Today, DPIC is post­ing the first item in a new series: 50 Facts About the Death Penalty.” Each week­day for the next 10 weeks, we will share a short but sig­nif­i­cant fact about cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment. These items, which have accom­pa­ny­ing images, will cov­er top­ics includ­ing inno­cence, pub­lic opin­ion, deter­rence, race, and more. This series is intend­ed as a resource for any­one look­ing to learn more about the death penal­ty. Each of the indi­vid­ual 50 Facts is accom­pa­nied by a link to a source that pro­vides more detailed infor­ma­tion about that fact. Watch for dai­ly updates on DPIC’s Twitter account and the 50 Facts page, as well as a week­ly 50 Facts video on Facebook.

(Posted by DPIC, May 82015.)

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