This Fall the Culture Project is host­ing a lim­it­ed engage­ment of its award-win­ning pro­duc­tion, The Exonerated. The play is a ground­break­ing drama­ti­za­tion of the real-life sto­ries of six death row inmates who were freed after being cleared of their cap­i­tal charge. The pro­duc­tion, which pre­miered a decade ago and trav­eled the coun­try, is culled from inter­views, let­ters, tran­scripts, case files, and court records. Former U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno described The Exonerated as fol­lows: What has been done tonight through this play is one of the most extra­or­di­nary events I have ever seen and it will do more to pro­mote jus­tice than any lit­er­ary efforts I have seen. The play will fea­ture a rotat­ing cast of high-pro­file actors, includ­ing Stockard Channing, Brian Dennehy, Steve Earle, John Forté, K’naan, Delroy Lindo, Lyle Lovett, Chris Sarandon, and Brooke Shields. The pre­sen­ta­tion will also include a series of Talk-Backs” with lead­ing crim­i­nal jus­tice experts, includ­ing Christina Swarns, NAACP Legal Defense Fund (October 16), Shari Silberstein, Executive Director of Equal Justice USA (October 24), and Stephen Bright, President, Southern Center for Human Rights (October 31). The Exonerated will run for sev­en weeks, begin­ning on September 15, at the Culture Project’s 45 Bleecker Street theater.

(DPIC Posted, September 19, 2012). For more infor­ma­tion about the pro­duc­tion, vist www​.cul​ture​pro​ject​.org/​c​u​r​r​e​n​t​/​e​x​o​n​e​rated. See Innocence. Listen to DPIC’s pod­cast on Innocence.

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