Ivan Cantu is sched­uled to be exe­cut­ed on February 28, 2024, although Texas courts have refused to con­sid­er new evi­dence in his case that may prove he was wrong­ful­ly con­vict­ed. Mr. Cantu was sen­tenced to death in Collin County for the mur­der of his cousin and his cousin’s fiancée in November 2000. Texas sched­uled an exe­cu­tion date for Mr. Cantu in April 2023, but a last-minute appeal describ­ing new evi­dence of false wit­ness tes­ti­mo­ny pro­vid­ed grounds for a stay of exe­cu­tion. However, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals (TCCA) over­turned the stay and dis­missed Mr. Cantu’s request for an evi­den­tiary hear­ing four months lat­er with­out explain­ing its rea­sons. In more recent court fil­ings, Mr. Cantu’s attor­neys argue that numer­ous issues in his case war­rant a new tri­al, includ­ing the recan­ta­tion of a key witness.

Sister Helen Prejean and the actor Martin Sheen are among those call­ing for Mr. Cantu’s exe­cu­tion to be halt­ed. At a press con­fer­ence ear­li­er this week, Sister Helen Prejean said, There was not fair­ness at this tri­al. All we’re ask­ing is [to] delay the exe­cu­tion of Ivan Cantu long enough to be able to have a hear­ing and an inquiry into the new evi­dence that’s been presented.”

At tri­al, the pros­e­cu­tion relied heav­i­ly on the tes­ti­mo­ny of Amy Boettcher, Mr. Cantu’s then-fiancée, who tes­ti­fied that he com­mit­ted the mur­ders, took her to the scene of the crime, and then took her on a trip to Arkansas. Law enforce­ment said they found one of the victim’s cars out­side of Mr. Cantu’s apart­ment the fol­low­ing day, as well as bloody pants match­ing the vic­tims’ DNA in Mr. Cantu’s trash can. Ms. Boettcher also tes­ti­fied that she dis­posed of Mr. Cantu’s bloody cloth­ing after the mur­der and said that he had thrown the Rolex watch of one of the vic­tims out of his mov­ing car as they drove out of town. Ms. Boettcher’s broth­er, Jeff Boettcher, also tes­ti­fied against Mr. Cantu. He told the jury that Mr. Cantu told him about the mur­ders before they hap­pened and lat­er recruit­ed him to help clean up the crime scene. Mr. Cantu has main­tained his inno­cence since his arrest, argu­ing that his cousin was killed by a local drug deal­er and rival and that police planted evidence.

New evi­dence uncov­ered by a pri­vate inves­ti­ga­tor and oth­ers now casts doubt on the valid­i­ty of Mr. Cantu’s con­vic­tion. In 2019, Mr. Cantu’s legal team dis­cov­ered that police recov­ered the victim’s Rolex watch after find­ing it in his home and return­ing it to his fam­i­ly, short­ly after the mur­der. In 2020, the police offi­cer who per­formed a well­ness check on Mr. Cantu, request­ed by his moth­er after she heard his cousin was killed, signed an affi­davit stat­ing she did not see bloody clothes in Mr. Cantu’s trash can. Neither Mr. Cantu nor Ms. Boettcher were home dur­ing the well­ness check, as they were in Arkansas. After Ms. Boettcher died in 2021, her broth­er Jeff called Collin County inves­ti­ga­tors and recant­ed his tri­al tes­ti­mo­ny. Speaking with an inves­ti­ga­tor and attor­ney in 2022, Mr. Boettcher told them that he lied and admit­ted that he was not reli­able at the time of tri­al, since he was out of state dur­ing the mur­der and was a fre­quent drug user. He reit­er­at­ed his remorse for help­ing place Mr. Cantu on death row.

Mr. Cantu’s attor­ney, Gena Bunn, who has been his coun­sel for 15 years, has repeat­ed­ly attempt­ed to per­suade a court to hear the new evi­dence. Ms. Bunn filed anoth­er request in January 2024, ask­ing the Court to reex­am­ine bal­lis­tic evi­dence used to secure Mr. Cantu’s con­vic­tion. Independent inves­ti­ga­tors and experts have now con­clud­ed from their own bal­lis­tic exper­i­ments that there is rea­son to doubt the foren­sic report intro­duced at tri­al. Ms. Bunn also argued that Mr. Cantu did not have ade­quate tri­al defense coun­sel. They did not even have a defense inves­ti­ga­tor,” Ms. Bunn told the Texas Tribune Even con­sid­er­ing how cap­i­tal rep­re­sen­ta­tion was 20 years ago, still that blows my mind.” 

Sister Prejean is lead­ing a ral­ly on February 22nd at the Collin County cour­t­house to demand a hear­ing. She said that if the exe­cu­tion isn’t halt­ed she’ll be at Cantu’s side as he dies. He’s asked me to be with him if they exe­cute him, and to pray with him,” Sister Prejean said. But there’s no way I’m just going to be with this man and pray with him and ease him into eter­ni­ty with­out doing every­thing I know to do to resist this death. Because there’s so many wrongs that have been done.”

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