UPDATE: (Dec. 17). Gov. Kasich granted clemency to Ronald Post, following the Parole Board’s recommendation. On December 14, the Ohio Parole Board (5 – 3) recommended clemency for death row inmate Ronald Post, saying his legal representation was ineffective and did not meet expectations for a death penalty case. Post is currently scheduled for execution on January 16, 2013. The Board’s recommendation concluded: “[A] majority of the members of the Board find it impossible to overlook the glaring omissions, missed opportunities, and questionable tactical decisions made by Post’s several attorneys. The various deficiencies in Post’s representation, viewed in totality, call into question whether Post’s death sentence was imposed through the kind of just and credible process called for by a punishment of this magnitude.” His lawyers issued a statement, saying, “In the nearly 30 years since his case began, Ronald Post has too often been failed by the attorneys assigned to represent him, beginning at his trial.” Post’s original attorney advised him to plead no contest to the charges against him, with the expectation that he would receive a life sentence. Instead, Post was sentenced to death. Despite his plea, Post has maintained his innocence, and there was evidence of other suspects involved in the crime. The final clemency decision is up to Gov. John Kasich.
(A. Welsh-Huggins, “Parole board: Spare obese condemned Ohio killer Ronald Post,” Associated Press; Ohio Death Penalty Clemency Report, December 14, 2012). See Clemency and Representation.
Oct 15, 2024

Joseph Giarratano, Former Death Row Prisoner and Prison Reform Advocate, Has Died
Sep 26, 2024