
DPI Testimony and Presentations on Costs

Testimony of Richard C. Dieter, Executive Director, Death Penalty Information Center, before the Nebraska Judiciary Committee on the Costs of the Death Penalty (Lincoln, March 132013)

Testimony of Richard C. Dieter, Executive Director, Death Penalty Information Center, before the Kentucky Standing Committee on Judiciary Hearings on the Costs of the Death Penalty (Frankfort, March 12012)

Testimony of Richard C. Dieter, Executive Director, Death Penalty Information Center, before the Pennsylvania Senate Government Management and Cost Study Commission on the costs of the death penal­ty and its lack of return. (Harrisburg, June 72010)

Testimony of Richard C. Dieter, Executive Director, Death Penalty Information Center, before the Commission to Study the Death Penalty in New Hampshire on costs of the death penal­ty and relat­ed issues. (December 42009)

Testimony of Richard C. Dieter, Executive Director, Death Penalty Information Center, before the Maryland Commission on Capital Punishment regard­ing the costs of the death penal­ty and relat­ed issues (Sept. 52008).

Testimony of Richard C. Dieter, Executive Director, Death Penalty Information Center, before the Nevada Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice regard­ing the costs of the death penal­ty and relat­ed issues (July 7, 2008; telephonic testimony).

Costs of the Death Penalty and Related Issues” Testimony of Richard C. Dieter, Executive Director, Death Penalty Information Center, before the Colorado Senate Judiciary Committee. (February 7, 2007) This is a com­pre­hen­sive descrip­tion of the death penal­ty process and related costs.

Testimony of Richard C. Dieter, Executive Director, Death Penalty Information Center, regard­ing the costs of the death penal­ty and relat­ed issues before the New York State Assembly Standing Committees on Codes, Judiciary, and Correction. (January 252005)

Testimony of Richard C. Dieter, Executive Director, Death Penalty Information Center, regard­ing the costs of the death penal­ty before the Massachusetts Joint Committee on Criminal Justice. (March 272003)

Testimony of Richard C. Dieter, Executive Director, Death Penalty Information Center, regard­ing the costs of the death penal­ty to the Assembly and Senate of Nevada, Legislative Commission’s Subcommittee to Study the Death Penalty and Related DNA Testing. (April 182002)

See also Fighting Crime in the U.S. and Internationally: Is the Death Penalty Necessary? A Unique Conversation Between U.S. and European Law Enforcement,” A pan­el of law enforce­ment offi­cials from the U.S. and Europe dis­cussing the mer­its of the death penal­ty in reduc­ing vio­lent crime. The offi­cers also addressed whether cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment actu­al­ly helps to keep cit­i­zens safe, assists heal­ing for vic­tims, and uses crime-fight­ing resources effi­cient­ly. (Washington, D.C., October 132010).