Following a fifth round of DNA tests, a Louisiana death row inmate has been released on bond while await­ing a new tri­al. Earlier this year, Ryan Matthews’ con­vic­tion and death sen­tence were over­turned. The recent round of DNA tests on a ski mask, which pros­e­cu­tors claimed was worn by Matthews dur­ing the crime, exclud­ed Matthews but matched the genet­ic mark­ers of anoth­er inmate. To date, no phys­i­cal evi­dence link­ing Matthews to the crime has been found. Following the lat­est round of DNA test­ing, the Jefferson Parish District Attorney’s office did not oppose Matthews’ request for bond. Matthews was a juve­nile at the time the crime was com­mit­ted. His attor­neys indi­cat­ed that he suf­fers from men­tal retar­da­tion and a seizure dis­or­der. (Times-Picayune, June 23, 2004) See Innocence. See also, Juvenile Death Penalty.

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