Three pow­er­ful new doc­u­men­taries that explore the mod­ern death penal­ty in the United States are set to pre­miere this April. 

Oscar-win­ning actress Viola Davis and Julius Tennon are exec­u­tive pro­duc­ers of The Last Defense, a new doc­u­men­tary series pre­mier­ing for the first time at the 2018 Tribeca Film Festival on April 27. The sev­en-episode doc­u­men­tary series expos­es flaws in the U.S. jus­tice sys­tem through the per­son­al nar­ra­tives of death row pris­on­ers Darlie Routier and Julius Jones, both whom main­tain their inno­cence, and pre­mieres June 12 on ABC

On April 30, PBS will air the tele­vi­sion pre­miere of Jamie Meltzer’s doc­u­men­tary True Conviction, which fol­lows the detec­tive agency start­ed by Christopher Scott, the late Johnnie Lindsey, and Steven Phill — three wrong­ly con­vict­ed Dallas men who were exon­er­at­ed after spend­ing a com­bined 60 years in prison — as they work to attempt to free death-sen­tenced Max Soffar and oth­er wrong­ly convicted prisoners. 

Barry Scheck and Peter Neufeld, co-founders and co-direc­tors of the Innocence Project have hailed the film as unprece­dent­ed” in its approach, focus­ing on the expe­ri­ences of a group of exonerees who are them­selves learn­ing to inves­ti­gate” and highlight[ing] the chal­lenges and road­blocks of inves­ti­gat­ing and prov­ing anoth­er man’s inno­cence.” The film pre­miered at the 2017 Tribeca Film Festival and was award­ed a Special Jury Mention in the Best Documentary Category. 

On April 11, the American University School of Communications pre­miered excerpts of anoth­er doc­u­men­tary film, In the Executioner’s Shadow, pro­duced by AU pro­fes­sors Maggie Burnette Stogner and Richard Stack. That doc­u­men­tary weaves the inter­sect­ing sto­ries of Vicki and Syl Scheiber, whose daugh­ter was mur­dered, Boston Marathon bomb­ing sur­vivor Karen Brassard, and for­mer Virginia state exe­cu­tion­er Jerry Givens, who had car­ried out 62 exe­cu­tions, as they grap­ple with moral and per­son­al issues aris­ing from their involve­ment in capital punishment. 

In a pan­el dis­cus­sion mod­er­at­ed by the pro­duc­ers, Diann Rust-Tierney, Executive Director of the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty, joined the film’s pro­tag­o­nists in dis­cussing those issues. 

Stack is a for­mer pub­lic defend­er and author of two books on the death penal­ty Dead Wrong: Violence, Vengeance, and the Victims of Capital Punishment and Grave Injustice: Unearthing Wrongful Executions. He said he hopes the film will spark dia­logue on the com­plex sub­ject. We’ve dis­cov­ered through our var­i­ous inter­views that one side talks past the oth­er. It’s a mutu­al predica­ment. And we’re try­ing to get peo­ple to talk to each oth­er,” Stack said. 

Following a screen­ing of the first hour of the Julius Jones case in The Last Defense, the pro­duc­ers will lead a pan­el dis­cus­sion with death-penal­ty lawyer Dale Baich.

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