The Death Penalty Information Center maintains an up-to-date list of scheduled executions and outcomes of death warrants issued by the states and federal government. Updated each business day, the Upcoming Executions page contains interactive maps displaying the current number of active death warrants, as well as the total number of executions scheduled for each year, through 2026. There are also tables listing additional information about each of these cases.
DPIC’s redesigned outcomes of death warrants page now provides simplified death warrant outcome-categories “active,” “inactive,” and “executed,” as well as providing additional details about the procedural history of each case. Each outcome describes the current status of a death warrant for a specific prisoner. The “active” category identifies prisoners who have been issued a warrant and have an execution date set, while the “inactive” category includes prisoners who, for a variety of reasons, no longer have a scheduled execution date. Those identified under the “executed” category have been executed by the state or jurisdiction in which they received a death sentence. The outcomes of death warrants are also displayed in two additional tables: outcomes nationally, by month, and outcomes by jurisdiction.
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Upcoming Executions
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Upcoming Executions
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