As the start of the new school year approaches, we wanted to remind educators and students of the excellent free resources DPIC offers. Our college curriculum, Capital Punishment in Context, uses a case-study model to introduce students to the death penalty system and allows them to access more in-depth research on a variety of topics, such as innocence, race, and mental illness. Each case includes relevant links to outside resources, including scholarly articles. Our High School Curriculum covers the history of the death penalty, arguments for and against capital punishment, and an introduction to the legal process. It features interactive maps with state-specific information. This award-winning curriculum is now available as an innovative iBook for the iPad. Students doing projects or writing essays on the death penalty can visit our Student Resources page for suggested research questions and sources on a variety of issues. Both of these curricula have already been used by students and teachers around the country and internationally. DPIC’s website received a 5‑star educational rating from MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching), a program of the California State University, in partnership with higher education institutions, professional societies, and industry.
(DPIC, August 9, 2013). See Educational Curricula.
Student Research Center
Oct 30, 2012
BOOKS: “The Death Penalty In a Nutshell”
Student Research Center
Aug 29, 2012

RESOURCES: Online Educational Curricula for High School and College Students
Student Research Center
Jan 10, 2007