As many schools are now begin­ning their new terms, the Death Penalty Information Center is proud to remind you of our two edu­ca­tion­al cur­ric­u­la on the death penal­ty. Our award-win­ning high school pro­gram, Educational Curriculum on the Death Penalty, includes 10-day les­son plans, inter­ac­tive maps and exer­cis­es, and a pre­sen­ta­tion of pros and cons on the death penal­ty for dis­cus­sion and debate. Our col­lege-lev­el cur­ricu­lum, Capital Punishment in Context, con­tains detailed case stud­ies of indi­vid­u­als who were sen­tenced to death in the United States. The cur­ricu­lum pro­vides a com­plete nar­ra­tive of each case, includ­ing orig­i­nal resources such as homi­cide reports, affi­davits, and tran­scripts of tes­ti­mo­ny from wit­ness­es. The nar­ra­tives are fol­lowed by a dis­cus­sion of the issues raised by each case, enabling stu­dents to research fur­ther into a broad vari­ety of top­ics. Both cur­ric­u­la are wide­ly used by edu­ca­tors across the coun­try in the fields of soci­ol­o­gy, civics, crim­i­nal jus­tice and many other areas.

(DPIC, Sept. 10, 2010). See Educational Curricula and Student Resources.

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