A new inter­na­tion­al man­u­al cov­er­ing psy­chi­atric and psy­cho­log­i­cal issues aris­ing in cap­i­tal cas­es has been pre­pared by a team of foren­sic psy­chi­a­trists for use by attor­neys, judges, and men­tal health offi­cials. The Handbook of Forensic Psychiatric Practice in Capital Cases sets out mod­el struc­tures for psy­chi­atric assess­ment and report writ­ing for every stage of a death penal­ty case, from pre-tri­al to exe­cu­tion. It also dis­cuss­es eth­i­cal issues, par­tic­u­lar­ly with regard to an inmate’s com­pe­tence to be exe­cut­ed. The hand­book is pub­lished by The Death Penalty Project (DPP) and Forensic Psychiatry Chambers, both based in England. It is avail­able online or in print from DPP.

(N. Eastman, et al., Handbook of Forensic Psychiatric Practice in Capital Cases,” The Death Penalty Project & Forensic Psychiatry Chambers (2013); post­ed by DPIC April 1, 2013). See Books and Mental Illness.

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