DPIC is collecting information on pending legislation related to the death penalty. For example, at least nine states will consider bills to repeal the death penalty in 2012. In California, a coalition called Taxpayers for Justice has been collecting signatures to place a death penalty repeal initiative on the ballot in November. On January 25, the Washington Senate Judiciary Committee held a public hearing on a bill to repeal the death penalty. The bill’s sponsor, Sen. Debbie Regala, cited high costs as a reason for the bill: “We can keep the public safe with putting people in prison for the rest of their life, as opposed to the costly expense of executing them… It’s always important and valuable for us to look at public policy and see if it’s actually getting us the results that we want. When you’re facing an economic crisis, you add an extra lens.” Other states considering repeal bills are Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Maryland, Nebraska, and Pennsylvania. A few states, such as New Hampshire, have blls to expand the death penalty.
(R. La Corte, “Lawmakers consider bill to abolish death penalty,” Seattle Post Intelligencer, ” January 24, 2012; See SAFECalifornia.org for more information California’s initiative). See Recent Legislative Activity (additions welcomed).
Feb 27, 2025