12:01 The Death Penalty in Context
Items: 81 — 84
12:01 The Death Penalty in Context
2016 Year End Report
Another Record Decline in Death Penalty Use
Published: Dec 22, 2016
DPIC Executive Director Robert Dunham and Director of Research and Special Projects Robin Konrad discuss the findings and themes of the 2016 DPIC Year End Report. This year marked historic lows in death sentences, executions, and public support for the death penalty. They explore the reasons for the declines, look at what this year’s election results say about the death penalty, and describe the cases that resulted in executions this…
12:01 The Death Penalty in Context
Intellectual Disability and the Death Penalty, With Law Professor John Blume
The U.S. Supreme Court Prepares to Hear Oral Argument in Moore v. Texas
Published: Nov 28, 2016
As the U.S. Supreme Court prepares to hear oral argument in Moore v. Texas and consider the constitutionality of the state’s approach to deciding whether a defendant is intellectually disabled, Cornell Law School Professor John Blume joins us to share his expertise on intellectual disability and the death penalty. He provides context on the Supreme Court’s 2002 decision, Atkins v. Virginia, which banned the execution of defendants with intellectual disabilities, and describes the clinical…
12:01 The Death Penalty in Context
Law professor and author John Bessler
Discussing Justice Stephen Breyer’s historic dissent in Glossip v. Gross
Published: Oct 21, 2016
Law professor and author John Bessler joins DPIC executive director Robert Dunham to discuss “Against the Death Penalty,” a book version of Justice Stephen Breyer’s historic dissent in *Glossip v. Gross* in which he questions the constitutionality of the death penalty. Professor Bessler edited the book and wrote an extensive introduction explaining the significance of the opinion. In a wide-ranging conversation, Bessler and Dunham discuss the dissent itself, the national context of the…
12:01 The Death Penalty in Context
Jeffrey Wood and the Texas Law of Parties
with Expert Guest Kate Black
Published: Sep 14, 2016
Today, DPIC launches a new podcast series, “Discussions With DPIC,” which will feature monthly, unscripted conversations with death penalty experts on a wide variety of topics. The inaugural episode features a conversation between Texas Defender Services staff attorney Kate Black and DPIC host Anne Holsinger, who discuss the case of Jeffrey Wood and Texas’ unusual legal doctrine known as the “law of parties.” Wood’s case garnered national media attention because he was sentenced to death…