DPI Podcasts

Items: 81 — 82

12:01 The Death Penalty in Context

Law professor and author John Bessler

Discussing Justice Stephen Breyer’s historic dissent in Glossip v. Gross

Published: Oct 21, 2016

Law pro­fes­sor and author John Bessler joins DPIC exec­u­tive direc­tor Robert Dunham to dis­cuss Against the Death Penalty,” a book ver­sion of Justice Stephen Breyer’s his­toric dis­sent in *Glossip v. Gross* in which he ques­tions the con­sti­tu­tion­al­i­ty of the death penal­ty. Professor Bessler edit­ed the book and wrote an exten­sive intro­duc­tion explain­ing the sig­nif­i­cance of the opin­ion. In a wide-rang­ing con­ver­sa­tion, Bessler and Dunham dis­cuss the dis­sent itself, the nation­al con­text of the…

12:01 The Death Penalty in Context

Jeffrey Wood and the Texas Law of Parties

with Expert Guest Kate Black

Published: Sep 14, 2016

Today, DPIC launch­es a new pod­cast series, Discussions With DPIC,” which will fea­ture month­ly, unscript­ed con­ver­sa­tions with death penal­ty experts on a wide vari­ety of top­ics. The inau­gur­al episode fea­tures a con­ver­sa­tion between Texas Defender Services staff attor­ney Kate Black and DPIC host Anne Holsinger, who dis­cuss the case of Jeffrey Wood and Texas’ unusu­al legal doc­trine known as the law of par­ties.” Wood’s case gar­nered nation­al media atten­tion because he was sen­tenced to death…