Items: 101 — 110
Jan 10, 2012
EDITORIALS: “The Random Horror of the Death Penalty”
An editorial in the Sunday edition of the New York Times on January 8 looked at recent studies pointing to the arbitrariness of the death penalty. The editorial noted that the U.S. Supreme Court had struck down capital punishment in 1972 because its arbitrary implementation rendered it unconstitutional. In particular, the Times cited a recent study of Connecticut’s death penalty indicating the death…
Read MoreJan 09, 2012
DPIC IN THE NEWS: Media Coverage of Year End Report
Over 400 media outlets around the country reported on DPIC’s recent 2011 Year-End Report. Coverage included stories on the dramatic drop in death sentences, the decline in executions, and fewer states having the death penalty. Articles appeared in the Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Associated Press, Reuters, USA Today, CNN, TIME, and many other papers. National broadcast outlets such as NBC’s Nightly News,…
Read MoreDec 01, 2011
EDITORIALS: “An Intolerable Burden of Proof”
An editorial in the New York Times criticized a recent ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, upholding the heavy burden Georgia places on offenders with intellectual disabilities. In order to be exempt from the death penalty, defendants must prove“beyond a reasonable doubt” that they are mentally retarded. The U.S. Supreme Court held in 2002 that such defendants cannot receive the…
Read MoreNov 28, 2011
EDITORIALS: Calls for Florida to Revamp Its Untrustworthy Death Penalty System
The Orlando Sentinel in Florida recently called on the state to change the unusual way in which it arrives at death sentences, recommending instead unanimous jury decisions for a death sentence, the prevailing practice in the vast majority of states. In June, a federal judge declared Florida’s death penalty unconstitutional because it only requires a simple majority to decide whether aggravating factors exist and to…
Read MoreNov 23, 2011
EDITORIALS: Praise for Oregon Governor’s Action Halting Executions
The Register Guard (Eugene, Oregon) praised Governor John Kitzhaber’s recent announcement halting all executions, calling his conclusion that the“death penalty is morally wrong and unjustly administered” to be“right on both counts.” In their editorial, the paper noted that the governor’s actions are in line with other developments in the U.S. and internationally:“Kitzhaber’s announcement came as the tide is turning against the death…
Read MoreNov 01, 2011
EDITORIALS: Indiana’s Death Penalty “Too Costly and Applied Unfairly”
In a recent editorial in the Fort Wayne, Indiana, Journal Gazette, the paper welcomed the proposal by the state’s Attorney General to reconsider the death penalty in light of its enormous costs. At a Criminal Justice Summit held at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller asked state officials to look at the death penalty from a practical perspective. He cited a recent capital trial in…
Read MoreOct 05, 2011
OP-ED: Mario Cuomo Calls Capital Punishment Corrosive to Society
In a recent op-ed in the New York Daily News, former New York Governor Mario Cuomo called the death penalty a“serious moral problem” that is“corrosive” to a democratic citizenry. He said many of the problems of the death penalty – ineffectiveness as a deterrent, unfairness, and the risk of executing the innocent – are inevitable:“These imperfections — as well as the horrible and irreversible injustice they can…
Read MoreSep 27, 2011
EDITORIALS: New York Times: “An Indefensible Punishment”
The lead editorial in the New York Times on September 26 called for an end to the death penalty because, the editors said, it cannot be made to comply with the U.S. Constitution. The editoral reviewed the 35-year history since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976 and concluded,“The death penalty is grotesque and immoral and should be repealed.” The paper pointed to the recent case of Troy Davis, who was executed on September…
Read MoreSep 15, 2011
Florida’s Death Penalty Marked by Arbitrary Decisions
Mike Thomas, columnist for the Orlando Sentinel in Florida, recently examined the arbitrariness of the state’s death penalty system.“There is no rhyme or reason here,” he wrote.“A governor’s decision on whose death warrant to sign, as well as a judge’s decision on which appeal to accept, are about as arbitrary as a prosecutor’s decision to pursue the death penalty. We spend an estimated $51 million annually on this nonsense, and for our…
Read MoreSep 01, 2011
STUDIES: Significant Racial Disparities Found in Military Death Penalty
A soon-to-be-published study has found significant racial disparities in the U.S. military’s death penalty. The study, which will be published in the Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, found that minorities in the military are twice as likely to be sentenced to death as whites accused of similar crimes. The study examined all 105 potential capital cases since the military death penalty was reinstated in 1984. Of the 16 death…
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