Items: 71 — 80
Feb 07, 2013
EDITORIALS: Montana Paper Calls for Repeal
A recent editorial in the Great Falls Tribune in Montana outlined some of the key problems with the death penalty as the state legislature considers its repeal. The editors expressed concerns about the risks of mistake with executions:“There is no way to take back an execution. That reason alone provides good cause to eliminate the death penalty in Montana.” The paper also noted that victims’ families wait for decades…
Read MoreJan 07, 2013
EDITORIALS: “Florida’s Death Penalty Needs a Fresh Look”
A recent editorial in Florida’s Tampa Bay Times called for lawmakers to study the state’s death penalty because of its high number of exonerations and death sentences. Using information from DPIC’s recent 2012 Year End Report, the editorial noted that 2012 marked the second consecutive year in which the state led the country in new death sentences. The editorial suggested that one of the reasons for these numbers was…
Read MoreJan 03, 2013
DPIC’S YEAR END REPORT: What the Media Are Saying
DPIC’s 2012 Year End Report received extensive media coverage in the U.S. and internationally. Coverage included pieces by the Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Associated Press, Reuters, New York Times, CNN, and hundreds of other outlets. National broadcast outlets such as NPR, MSNBC, and CBS Radio also ran pieces. Many papers…
Read MoreJan 02, 2013
EDITORIALS: “America’s Retreat From the Death Penalty”
Following the themes of DPIC’s 2012 Year End Report, the lead editorial for Jan. 2 in the New York Times concluded that“capital punishment is cruel and unusual” as judged by the country’s“evolving standards” of decency and“should be abolished” by the Supreme Court. The Times’s editorial noted the fewer number of states carrying out executions, the lack of any meaningful rationale, the…
Read MoreDec 10, 2012
How the Death Penalty Might Be Ended in California
In a recent op-ed in the San Francisco Chronicle, death penalty scholar Franklin Zimring suggested that the close (52 – 48%) vote in November on California’s Proposition 34 to end capital punishment means the repeal effort is far from over. Zimring, a law professor at the University of California, Berkeley, wrote,“For decades, it has been assumed that the death penalty was the third rail of California politics …. Measured against that…
Read MoreNov 29, 2012
EDITORIALS: “Oregon’s Life-or-Death Vote”
A recent editorial in The Oregonian, one of the state’s major newspapers, endorsed a bill in the upcoming legislative session that could result in the repeal of the death penalty. The bill, to be introduced by Rep. Mitch Greenlick, would begin the process of amending the state’s constitution through a referendum as early as November 2014. The editors wrote,“5 states — New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Illinois and New Mexico — have abandoned…
Read MoreNov 21, 2012
EDITORIAL: “End the Death Penalty in New Hampshire”
A recent editorial in the New York Times called for the end of the death penalty in New Hampshire. The editorial highlighted the case of Michael Addison, who is the only prisoner on the state’s death row. Addison was sentenced to death in 2008 for fatally shooting a police officer. The state Supreme Court recently held hearings for Addison, who is seeking a new trial or sentencing hearing because the…
Read MoreNov 02, 2012
EDITORIALS: Preserving Independent Funding for Death Penalty Representation
A recent editorial in the Miami Herald applauded a court decision finding that the costs of represening defendants in Florida death penalty cases should be kept separate from the judges’ annual budget. A state judge held it would be unconstitutional to have judges making decisions about attorneys’ fees when the money for such expenses comes from the judges’ own resources. The editorial stated,“We depend on the court system to…
Read MoreOct 03, 2012
NEW VOICES: “It’s Time to End Montana’s Death Penalty”
In a recent editorial, the Great Falls Tribune reversed its long-standing position and called for the end of the death penalty in Montana. The paper cited the cost of maintaining the death penalty as a primary reason for why the punishment should be repealed. The editors joined in the efforts of a relatively new conservative group to end capital punishment: “[E]ven without definitive state data [on costs], we align with…
Read MoreSep 27, 2012
Maker of anesthetic blamed for Michael Jackson’s death latest to block drug for execution use
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