
Items: 321 — 330

Jun 17, 2004

Snitch Work

By Tom LowensteinPhiladelphia City PaperPART ONEAt the end of July 1988, there were two unsolved mur­ders of lit­tle girls in Northeast Philadelphia. Heather Coffin had been sex­u­al­ly assault­ed and mur­dered in 1987 in Frankford, and Barbara Jean Horn had been mur­dered on July 12, 1988, some­where near her house on Rutland Street, near Cottman Avenue. The police had a sus­pect in the Coffin mur­der, a 22-year-old named Raymond Sheehan, but had been…

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May 26, 2004

Psychiatrists Question Death for Teen Killers

In 1993, when 17-year-old Christopher Simmons abduct­ed and mur­dered his neigh­bor, lit­tle did he know that some of the nation’s top brain researchers and psy­chi­a­trists would one day rush to his defense before the Supreme…

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May 10, 2004

Finding Justice for mentally ill defendants

May 10, 2004: Austin American-StatesmanFinding jus­tice for men­tal­ly ill defen­dants There is lit­tle doubt that Texas will exe­cute Kelsey Patterson on May 18 if left to its own devices. Neither is there doubt that Patterson is guilty of mur­der­ing two East Texans. Even so, this case nev­er should have reached this point, giv­en that Patterson is severe­ly men­tal­ly ill​.In 1992, Patterson was wan­der­ing the streets with a hand gun when he hap­pened upon Louis Oates, a Palestine…

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