Live Updates: Larry Roberts Becomes the 200th Person Exonerated from Death Row

Updated 35 minutes ago

Publications & Testimony

Items: 1111 — 1120

Jun 16, 2020

With Litigation Pending in U.S. Supreme Court, Federal Government Issues Four Death Warrants

With a peti­tion for review pend­ing before the U.S. Supreme Court on the legal­i­ty and con­sti­tu­tion­al­i­ty of the fed­er­al exe­cu­tion pro­to­col, U.S. Attorney General William Barr on June 15, 2020 set exe­cu­tion dates for four fed­er­al death-row pris­on­ers, includ­ing three who are involved in the pend­ing case. The war­rants sched­uled three exe­cu­tions over a five-day peri­od in July and a fourth exe­cu­tion in late August. No fed­er­al exe­cu­tions have been car­ried out since 2003, and the five…

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Jun 15, 2020

Birmingham D.A. Files Brief Supporting New Trial for Death-Row Prisoner Toforest Johnson

Jefferson County District Attorney Danny Carr has filed an ami­cus brief sup­port­ing the grant of a new tri­al to Toforest Johnson (pic­tured, cen­ter, with fam­i­ly mem­bers), sen­tenced to death for the mur­der of an Alabama sheriff’s deputy. In a plead­ing filed in the Jefferson County Circuit Court, Carr wrote that, A prosecutor’s duty is not mere­ly to secure con­vic­tions, but to seek jus­tice,” and that duty, he said, requires inter­ven­tion in this…

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Jun 13, 2020

Capital Case Roundup — Death Penalty Court Decisions the Week of June 82020

NEWS (6/​11/​20) — Florida: The Florida Supreme Court applied new cas­es that retroac­tive­ly changed the law regard­ing claims of intel­lec­tu­al dis­abil­i­ty and the uncon­sti­tu­tion­al­i­ty of death sen­tences imposed after non-unan­i­mous jury votes for death to uphold the death sen­tences imposed on Alphonso Cave and Gary…

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Jun 11, 2020

Florida Governor Signs Bill Authorizing $2.15 Million Compensation for Death-Row Exoneree Imprisoned 43 Years

Florida death-row exoneree Clifford Williams, Jr. (pic­tured), who was freed in 2019 after spend­ing 43 years in prison, will receive $2.15 mil­lion in com­pen­sa­tion from the state of Florida under a bill signed into law by Governor Ron DeSantis on June 9, 2020. The bill, specif­i­cal­ly tai­lored to com­pen­sate Williams, unan­i­mous­ly passed both cham­bers of the Florida leg­is­la­ture in…

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Jun 08, 2020

Death Penalty Information Center Statement Concerning the Death of George Floyd

In three decades of pro­vid­ing infor­ma­tion and analy­sis on the death penal­ty, DPIC has cov­ered thou­sands of cas­es, stud­ies, and schol­ar­ly arti­cles on the admin­is­tra­tion of the death penal­ty in the United States. We know that racial injus­tice has been a core prob­lem in the admin­is­tra­tion of the death penal­ty and that it per­sists to the present day. The his­to­ry of the death penal­ty is inter­twined with that of vig­i­lante and law enforce­ment vio­lence against African Americans. With this knowledge,…

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