Publications & Testimony

Items: 1681 — 1690

Sep 07, 2018

Filming Underway for Movie Adaptation of Just Mercy’

Filming for the movie adap­ta­tion of Bryan Stevenson’s best-sell­ing book, Just Mercy, began August 27, 2018 in Montgomery, Alabama. The film will fea­ture Michael B. Jordan (Creed, Black Panther) as Stevenson and Oscar-win­ner Jamie Foxx (Ray, Django Unchained) as wrong­ful­ly con­vict­ed death-row pris­on­er Walter…

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Sep 06, 2018

BOOK: Slavery and the Death Penalty

It is wide­ly rec­og­nized that cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment in the United States of America con­tin­ues to be imbued with the lega­cy of slav­ery” and, to end it, American death-penal­ty abo­li­tion­ists should draw on the rad­i­cal­ism of [anti-slav­ery] abo­li­tion­ists.” So argues British death-penal­ty schol­ar and abo­li­tion­ist Dr. Bharat Malkani, a Senior Lecturer at the Cardiff University School of Law and Politics, in his new book, Slavery and the Death Penalty: A Study in…

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Sep 05, 2018

Louisiana Death-Penalty Case Tainted by Judge’s Conflict of Interest Returns to U.S. Supreme Court

A Louisiana death-row pris­on­er is ask­ing the U.S. Supreme Court to review the con­sti­tu­tion­al­i­ty of his con­vic­tion and death sen­tence a sec­ond time based upon alle­ga­tions that the tri­al judge had an undis­closed con­flict of inter­est. In his peti­tion to review his con­vic­tion for a triple-mur­der involv­ing the death of a New Orleans police offi­cer, Rogers Lacaze (pic­tured) argues that his right to due process was vio­lat­ed when his tri­al judge, Frank Marullo,…

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Sep 04, 2018

Nebraska Supreme Court Hears Challenge to Three-Judge Death Sentencing

The Nebraska Supreme Court heard oral argu­ment on August 30, 2018 in a case chal­leng­ing the con­sti­tu­tion­al­i­ty of the state’s cap­i­tal sen­tenc­ing pro­ce­dure, which requires a three-judge pan­el to decide whether to impose a death sen­tence. Attorneys for death-row pris­on­er John Lotter said the state’s three-judge sen­tenc­ing vio­lates the Sixth and Fourteenth Amendments as applied to Florida’s cap­i­tal sen­tenc­ing law in Hurst v. Florida. In…

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Aug 31, 2018

Cases in Sudan, Saudi Arabia Illustrate Use of Death Penalty Against Women to Enforce Gender Norms

In high-pro­file cas­es in Sudan and Saudi Arabia, human rights advo­cates are protest­ing the threat­ened use of the death penal­ty against women for resist­ing oppres­sion. In the Sudan, pros­e­cu­tors are seek­ing to rein­state the death sen­tence against Noura Hussein (pic­tured), a teen girl forced into mar­riage who killed her abu­sive hus­band as he tried to rape her. The Saudi Arabian gov­ern­ment is seek­ing the death penal­ty against Israa…

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Aug 29, 2018

Congressional Black Caucus Asks Oklahoma Governor to Review Case of Julius Jones

The Congressional Black Caucus has urged Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin to review the case of death-row pris­on­er Julius Jones (pic­tured) and to use her author­i­ty to cor­rect what it char­ac­ter­ized as his wrong­ful con­vic­tion.” In an August 21, 2018 let­ter to the Governor, the Black Caucus — an orga­ni­za­tion of African-American mem­bers of the U.S. House of Representatives — expressed its deep con­cerns” about racial bias in the appli­ca­tion of the…

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Aug 28, 2018

Amnesty International Issues Report on the Death Penalty in Florida

A new report by Amnesty International says Floridas approach to redress­ing the near­ly 400 uncon­sti­tu­tion­al non-unan­i­mous death sen­tences imposed in the state has deep­ened its sta­tus as an out­lier on death-penal­ty issues by add[ing] an extra lay­er of arbi­trari­ness to [the state’s] already dis­crim­i­na­to­ry and error-prone cap­i­tal justice…

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Aug 27, 2018

New Study Finds Link Between Perception of Resource Scarcity and Support for Death Penalty

A new study by an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary team of Arizona State University psy­chol­o­gy researchers has found a link between the actu­al and per­ceived scarci­ty of resources and sup­port for cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment. The study, cur­rent­ly in press but avail­able online on August 10 in the sci­ence jour­nal, Evolution and Human Behavior, dis­cov­ered that coun­tries with greater resource scarci­ty were more like­ly to have a death penal­ty, as were U.S. states with low­er per capi­ta

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Aug 24, 2018

Amidst Nebraska Execution-Secrecy Controversy, California Judge Lets Execution-Access Lawsuit Proceed

As lawyers for Nevada told their state supreme court that a con­tro­ver­sial Nebraska exe­cu­tion had been car­ried out with­out prob­lems, a fed­er­al judge issued a rul­ing allow­ing a law­suit to pro­ceed that would force California to allow media wit­ness­es to observe exe­cu­tions in that state in their entire­ty. The devel­op­ments in the cas­es in the two states high­light an ongo­ing con­tro­ver­sy over the lack of trans­paren­cy and account­abil­i­ty in recent…

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