Publications & Testimony

Items: 1791 — 1800

Apr 09, 2018

Black Prisoner on Georgia’s Death Row, Sentenced by Racist Juror, Denied Federal Court Appellate Review

Less than three months after the U.S. Supreme Court direct­ed a fed­er­al appeals court to recon­sid­er whether Georgia death-row pris­on­er Keith Tharpe (pic­tured) is enti­tled to fed­er­al-court review of his claim that he was uncon­sti­tu­tion­al­ly sen­tenced to death because he is Black, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit has declined to review Tharpe’s appeal, say­ing he had nev­er pre­sent­ed the issue to the state…

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Apr 06, 2018

NEW RESOURCE: American Bar Association Launches New Capital Clemency Website

In response to what it calls a crit­i­cal and unmet need for edu­ca­tion and train­ing of both lawyers rep­re­sent­ing cap­i­tal pris­on­ers and deci­sion mak­ers who review peti­tions for clemen­cy,” the American Bar Association (ABA) has cre­at­ed a new web resource devot­ed to the clemen­cy process. The Capital Clemency Resource Initiative (CCRI) Clearinghouse — a joint project of the ABA Death Penalty Representation Project and Death Penalty Due Process Project — pro­vides tools…

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Apr 05, 2018

NEW PODCAST — Racial Discrimination in Death-Penalty Jury Selection: A Conversation with Steve Bright

Race dis­crim­i­na­tion exists at every stage of the death-penal­ty process, says vet­er­an death-penal­ty and civ­il-rights lawyer Stephen B. Bright (pic­tured), but the most per­va­sive dis­crim­i­na­tion that is going on is in jury selec­tion.” In a new Discussions With DPIC pod­cast, Bright — the for­mer President of the Southern Center for Human Rights who has argued jury dis­crim­i­na­tion cas­es three times in the U.S. Supreme Court — calls the ram­pant” racial…

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Apr 04, 2018

Utah Prosecutor Drops Death Penalty in Prison Killing After Corrections Officials Withheld Evidence

A Utah judge has exco­ri­at­ed the Utah Department of Corrections for prac­tices he called sneaky” and deceit­ful” and a state pros­e­cu­tor has dropped the death penal­ty after learn­ing that state prison offi­cials had with­held near­ly 1,600 pages of prison records from a defen­dant fac­ing cap­i­tal charges in a prison killing. Despite a court order to pro­duce all prison records, the depart­ment had failed to dis­close med­ical and men­tal health records detail­ing psy­chi­atric medication…

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Apr 04, 2018

Utah Prosecutor Drops Death Penalty in Prison Killing After Corrections Officials Withheld Evidence

A Utah judge has exco­ri­at­ed the Utah Department of Corrections for prac­tices he called sneaky” and deceit­ful” and a state pros­e­cu­tor has dropped the death penal­ty after learn­ing that state prison offi­cials had with­held near­ly 1,600 pages of prison records from a defen­dant fac­ing cap­i­tal charges in a prison killing. Despite a court order to pro­duce all prison records, the depart­ment had failed to dis­close med­ical and men­tal health records detail­ing psy­chi­atric medication…

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Apr 03, 2018

NEW RESOURCES: University of Virginia Interactive Database Maps the Modern Death Penalty

The University of Virginia School of Law has cre­at­ed a new inter­ac­tive web resource (click on map) that allows researchers and the pub­lic to visu­al­ly explore death-sen­tenc­ing prac­tices in the United States from 1991 through 2017. The inter­ac­tive map pro­vides coun­ty-lev­el data on death sen­tences imposed across the United States, draw­ing from a new data­base cre­at­ed by University of Virginia Law Professor Brandon Garrett (pic­tured) for his recent book, End of Its Rope: How Killing…

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Apr 02, 2018

Study Analyzes Causes of Astonishing Plunge” in Death Sentences in the United States

Multiple fac­tors — from declin­ing mur­der rates to the aban­don­ment of cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment by many rur­al coun­ties and sub­stan­tial­ly reduced usage in out­lier coun­ties that had aggres­sive­ly imposed it in the past — have col­lec­tive­ly led to an aston­ish­ing plunge” in death sen­tences over the last twen­ty years, accord­ing to a new study, Lethal Rejection, pub­lished in the 2017/​2018 Albany Law Review. Using data on death-eli­gi­ble cas­es from 1994, 2004, and 2014, Drake University law…

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Mar 31, 2018

Use of the Death Penalty for Killing a Child Victim

About half of all death penal­ty states include the mur­der of a child as an aggra­vat­ing cir­cum­stance that can sub­ject a defen­dant to the death penal­ty. As of January 2022, four­teen states autho­rized the death penal­ty for the mur­der of a child vic­tim, and five states that lat­er abol­ished the death penal­ty also had a child-vic­tim aggravating…

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