Publications & Testimony

Items: 2511 — 2520

Dec 31, 2015

Case Summaries of Executed Women

Velma Barfield in North Carolina on November 2, 1984 — She was in a rela­tion­ship with Stuart Taylor who was a wid­ow­er. She forged checks on Taylor’s account to pay for her addic­tion. Fearing that she had been found out, she mixed an arsenic based rat poi­son into his beer and tea. Taylor became very ill. As his con­di­tion wors­ened, she took him to the hos­pi­tal where he died a few days lat­er. There was an autop­sy which found that the cause of Taylor’s death was arsenic…

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Dec 31, 2015

Women Executed in the US: 1900 – 2021

Date of Execution Name Race State Execution Method 1. 7/​17/​1903 DORA WRIGHTOK Hanging 2. 12/​8/​1905 MARY ROGERSVT Hanging 3. 3/​29/​1909 MARY FARMERNY Electrocution 4. 8/​16/​1912 VIRGINIA CHRISTIANVA Electrocution 5. 1/​13/​1922 PATTIE PERDUEMS Hanging 6. 1/​12/​1928 RUTH SNYDERNY Electrocution 7. 2/​1/​1929 ADA LEBOEUFLA Hanging 8. 1/​24/​1930 SELENA GILMOREAL Electrocution 9. 2/​21/​1930 EVA

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Dec 30, 2015

Missouri Juror Who Voted for Death Says New Evidence Would Have Changed Sentencing Decision

In 1997, a St. Louis County, Missouri jury unan­i­mous­ly vot­ed to sen­tence David Barnett to death. Eighteen years lat­er, after learn­ing hor­rif­ic details of the phys­i­cal and sex­u­al abuse to which Barnett had been sub­ject­ed as a small child, Andrew Dazey — the jury fore­man in Barnett’s tri­al — says “[t]here’s no way” he would have vot­ed for death. At tri­al, Barnett’s lawyer pre­sent­ed some evi­dence of his clien­t’s abuse, men­tal ill­ness, and sui­cide attempts. However, he failed to…

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Dec 29, 2015

NEW VOICES: Why Prosecutors in Texas, Pennsylvania Are Seeking Death Penalty Less Often

Prosecutors across the coun­try are seek­ing the death penal­ty less fre­quent­ly and in recent inter­views two dis­trict attor­neys, one from Texas and one from Pennsylvania, have giv­en some of their rea­sons why. Randall County, Texas District Attorney James Farren (pic­tured) told KFDA-TV in Amarillo that his expe­ri­ence han­dling one par­tic­u­lar­ly lengthy and cost­ly cap­i­tal case has changed how he will make deci­sions in future cas­es that are eligible…

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