Publications & Testimony
Items: 4121 — 4130
Dec 31, 2009
Law Enforcement Views on Deterrence
In 2009, the Death Penalty Information Center released a report entitled “Smart on Crime: Reconsidering the Death Penalty in a Time of Economic Crisis.” The report combines an analysis of the costs of the death penalty with a national poll of police chiefs who put capital punishment at the bottom of their law enforcement…
Read MoreDec 31, 2009
ARBITRARINESS: Different Outcomes in Similar Murder Cases in Tennessee
Gaile Owens (pictured) and Mary Winkler are two women who committed similar crimes under similar circumstances in Tennessee. Both women suffered from abuse from the spouses they killed, and both were examined by the same psychologist, twenty years apart. The psychologist said both women suffered from battered woman’s syndrome. Mary Winkler confronted her husband with a shotgun and shot him in the back in 2006. Gaile Owens hired a stranger to…
Read MoreDec 31, 2009
STUDIES: Researchers Find “No Empirical Support” for Deterrence Theory
Researchers from the University of Texas at Dallas recently published a study on whether executions deter homicides using state panel date and employing well-known econometric procedures for panel analysis. The authors found “no empirical support for the argument that the existence or application of the death penalty deters prospective offenders from committing homicide.” The study was published in the journal of Criminology and Public Policy and authored by Tomislav…
Read MoreDec 31, 2009
Justice John Paul Stevens’s Death Penalty Jurisprudence
Justice Stevens’s opinion about the death penalty evolved while he was on the Court. Excepts from Supreme Court…
Read MoreDec 31, 2009
Death Penalty Article Indexes
In the course of its research, DPIC collects relevant death penalty articles that have appeared in print and on media Web sites. Our collection certainly does not contain all such articles, nor do we claim that it represents the “best” articles. It is only a representative sample of the extensive coverage given to capital punishment in print in a particular year. For those interested in examining this coverage, we have prepared indexes of the articles in PDF format for 2004 to 2007, and an…
Read MoreDec 30, 2009
NEW VOICES: L.A. Police Chief Says Life Without Parole is Preferable Sentence
Los Angeles Chief of Police William Bratton recently defended San Francisco Distrist Attorney Kamala Harris for not seeking the death penalty against a suspect in a police killing. “It’s much cheaper to sentence them to life in prison and throw away the key,” said Bratton, who is endorsing Harris in seeking election as California’s Attorney…
Read MoreDec 30, 2009
STUDIES: Death Penalty Costs North Carolina Nearly $11 Million a Year
A recent study published by a Duke University economist revealed North Carolina could save $11 million annually if it dropped the death penalty. Philip J. Cook, a professor at Duke University’s Sanford School of Public Policy, calculated the extra state costs of the death penalty during fiscal years 2005 and 2006. He calculated over $21 million worth of expenses that would have been saved if the death penalty had been repealed. The total…
Read MoreDec 28, 2009
STUDIES: Innocence Network Exonerations 2009
Twenty-seven people were exonerated and released from prison this year, including some who had been on death row, according to a new report from The Innocence Project, a national litigation and public policy organization dedicated to exonerating wrongfully convicted people. The 27 exonerees served a combined 421 years in prison for crimes they did not commit. The exonerations occurred through the work of the Innocence Project Network, which consists of 54…
Read MoreDec 23, 2009
COSTS: Death Penalty Costs in Texas Outweigh Life Imprisonment
County estimates in Texas indicate that the death penalty system is much more expensive than sentencing inmates to life imprisonment. Gray County spent nearly $1 million seeking the death penalty against Levi King, even though he pleaded guilty to murder. Moreover, these costs do not include the cost of appeals, which will further increase the cost of the capital case, nor the costs of cases in which the death penalty is sought but not given. By comparison, a non-death…
Read MoreDec 22, 2009
New Evidence in Troy Davis Case
New evidence in the Troy Davis case in Georgia has recently emerged, further implicating another suspect in the murder of off-duty police officer Mark Allen MacPhail. In 1991, Davis was sentenced to death for officer MacPhail’s murder. Davis became the primary suspect after Sylvester “Redd” Coles told the police about Davis’s presence at the crime scene. During his 1991 trial, nine prosecution eyewitnesses testified against Davis. All but two of the witnesses…
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