Publications & Testimony

Items: 4251 — 4260

Feb 01, 2009

The Road to Justice and Peace by New Jersey State Senator Raymond Lesniak

New Jersey Senator Raymond Lesniak deliv­ered the fol­low­ing speech at the Memorial de Caen International Human Rights Competition in Caen, France on Sunday, February 1,2009. The com­pe­ti­tion includ­ed lawyers from Washington, D.C., France, Belgium, Guinea, Senegal, and Switzerland with speech top­ics rang­ing from gov­ern­men­tal to mil­i­tary abus­es of human…

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Jan 30, 2009

BOOKS: Life and Death Matters: Seeking the Truth About Capital Punishment

Life and Death Matters: Seeking the Truth About Capital Punishment is a new book that doc­u­ments author Robert Baldwin’s per­son­al jour­ney in con­fronting racism and the death penal­ty in the Deep South. Baldwin shares his evo­lu­tion in a con­ver­sa­tion­al, first-per­son style with a declared faith per­spec­tive. Written for peo­ple of all beliefs and back­grounds, he focus­es on the myths and mis­con­cep­tions about pris­ons and the death penal­ty dis­cov­ered through his…

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Jan 29, 2009

Victims’ Families Ask State to End Death Penalty and Solve Cold Cases Instead

A bill is being intro­duced in Colorado to end the state’s death penal­ty and to use the resul­tant sav­ings to inves­ti­gate the state’s more than 1,300 unsolved crimes. More than 500 res­i­dents who have lost friends and fam­i­ly to unsolved mur­ders are push­ing for the bill, which is expect­ed to be intro­duced by House Majority Leader Paul Weissmann. The pro­po­nents esti­mate that 3 in 10 killers in the state walk free, and catch­ing more killers would be a more effec­tive deter­rent than…

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Jan 27, 2009

Federal Appeals Court Grants Stay One Day Before Texas Execution Based on Evidence of Innocence

Texas death row inmate Larry Swearingen was unan­i­mous­ly grant­ed a stay one day before his sched­uled exe­cu­tion by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit on January 26. We think this is an extra­or­di­nary case of actu­al inno­cence,” said Swearingen’s attor­ney James Rytting. We’re hope­ful that the fed­er­al courts will give the evi­dence a fair review.” Judge Jacques Wiener, who con­curred in the Circuit Court’s opin­ion and stay, under­lined the potential…

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Jan 26, 2009

LAW REVIEWS: Convicting the Innocent

A new arti­cle in the Annual Review of Law and Social Science enti­tled Convicting the Innocent” by Prof. Samuel Gross of the Universiry of Michigan Law School explores the rate of false con­vic­tions among death-sen­tenced inmates and exam­ines the demo­graph­i­cal and pro­ce­dur­al pre­dic­tors of such errors. Prof. Gross not­ed that ear­li­er research showed the exon­er­a­tion rate to be 2.3% for inmates who had been on death row at least 15 years and a sim­i­lar rate for…

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Jan 23, 2009

EDITORIALS: Room for Doubt” about Upcoming Texas Excution

The Houston Chronicle is call­ing on Texas Governor Rick Perry to delay the exe­cu­tion of Larry Swearingen, which is sched­uled for January 27. The Chronicle notes that the foren­sic sci­en­tist who tes­ti­fied about the time of death of the vic­tim at Swearingen’s tri­al now believes the death occurred lat­er, a time at which Swearingen was in police cus­tody on anoth­er mat­ter. Five oth­er physi­cians and foren­sic experts con­curred that the murder…

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Jan 22, 2009

BOOKS: The Future of America’s Death Penalty

The Future of America’s Death Penalty, edit­ed by Charles S. Lanier, William J. Bowers, James R. Acker, is a new book com­prised of orig­i­nal chap­ters authored by nation­al­ly dis­tin­guished schol­ars. It is an ambi­tious effort to iden­ti­fy the most crit­i­cal issues con­fronting the future of cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment in the United States and the steps that must be tak­en to gath­er and ana­lyze the infor­ma­tion that will be nec­es­sary for informed pol­i­cy judg­ments. Contributors…

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Jan 21, 2009

RESOURCES: Tennessee Law Review to Host Colloquium on Past, Present, & Future of Death Penalty

The Tennessee Law Review is host­ing a col­lo­qui­um enti­tled, The Past, Present, and Future of the Death Penalty.” The event will take place February 6 – 7 at the University of Tennessee College of Law in Knoxville and will fea­ture nation­al­ly known experts in this field, includ­ing David Baldus, Hugo Adam Bedau, Stephen Bright, Deborah Denno, Lyn Entzeroth, the Honorable Gilbert S. Merritt, and Penny White. Judge Merritt will deliv­er the keynote address on Why So Much…

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Jan 19, 2009

U.S. Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Mental Retardation Case

On January 16, 2009, the U.S. Supreme Court grant­ed Ohios peti­tion for a writ of cer­tio­rari in Bobby v. Bies. The state is ask­ing the Supreme Court to reverse a deci­sion by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit Court grant­i­ng the defen­dant, Michael Bies, habeas cor­pus relief based on a vio­la­tion of the Double Jeopardy Clause of the Fifth Amendment. Bies was con­vict­ed and sen­tenced to death for the 1992 mur­der of…

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