Publications & Testimony

Items: 4321 — 4330

Oct 27, 2008

NEW RESOURCES: The Private Bar’s Efforts to Secure Proper Representation for those Facing Execution

Civil rights lit­i­ga­tor and death penal­ty expert Ronald J. Tabak recent­ly pub­lished The Private Bar’s Efforts to Secure Proper Representation for those Facing Execution” in the Justice System Journal. The arti­cle presents an in-depth review of the American Bar Associations (ABA) role in ensur­ing effec­tive coun­sel in cap­i­tal cas­es. Tabak recounts the ABA’s efforts since the mid-1980’s to secure com­pe­tent rep­re­sen­ta­tion at every state of legal pro­ceed­ings, stat­ing that…

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Oct 24, 2008

Troy Davis Execution Stayed by Federal Appeals Court

The US Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit issued a stay for Georgia death row inmate Troy Davis on October 24. The fed­er­al appeals court’s three-judge pan­el ordered both sides to draft briefs to address wheter Davis can be exe­cut­ed if he can demon­strate his like­ly inno­cence. Davis’ case has gar­nered both inter­na­tion­al and nation­al atten­tion. Former President Jimmy Carter and the European Union were among those call­ing for a stay of exe­cu­tion. Davis was sched­uled to be exe­cut­ed on…

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Oct 23, 2008

BOOKS: Streib’s Death Penalty in a Nutshell

Elon University School of Law’s Professor Victor Streib has released a new edi­tion of his book, Streib’s Death Penalty in a Nutshell. It cov­ers both the sub­stan­tive and the pro­ce­dur­al law of the death penal­ty and begins with argu­ments for and against the death penal­ty and an expla­na­tion of its basic con­sti­tu­tion­al chal­lenges and lim­i­ta­tions. Professor Streib cov­ers cap­i­tal crimes and defens­es, as well as tri­al lev­el and post tri­al pro­ce­dur­al issues. Other top­ics include race and gender…

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Oct 22, 2008

Professor Anthony Amsterdam Delivers Speech at Southern Center of Human Rights Event

Leading attor­ney, law pro­fes­sor, and advo­cate Anthony Amsterdam was hon­ored by the Southern Center for Human Rights with the Frederick Douglass Human Rights Award in Washington, DC on October 2. Professor Amsterdam con­ducts the Capital Defender Clinic at New York University Law School and is rec­og­nized for his four decades of promi­nent work in cas­es rang­ing from death penal­ty defense to claims of free speech and the press, pri­va­cy, and equal­i­ty of oppor­tu­ni­ty for racial minori­ties and…

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Oct 20, 2008

SUPREME COURT: Justice Stevens Questions Thoroughness of Review by Georgia Supreme Court

Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens took the occa­sion of the Court’s denial of review to a death row defen­dant in Georgia to ques­tion the ade­qua­cy of the appeals process in that state. On October 20, the Supreme Court denied cer­tio­rari in Walker v. Georgia, an appeal from the Georgia Supreme Court, and Justice Stevens con­curred in that denial. However, Justice Stevens said he found the lack of care­ful scruti­ny by the low­er court to be par­tic­u­lar­ly trou­bling,” especially…

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Oct 16, 2008

EDITORIALS: A Call for Examination of Death Penalty in Tennessee

The Tennessean called for a more just legal sys­tem as a state leg­isla­tive study com­mit­tee on the death penal­ty con­tin­ues to meet. The com­mit­tee began its work this year after a series of embar­rass­ing mis­takes in apply­ing the death penal­ty in Tennessee. Executions cur­rent­ly are on hold due to a lethal injec­tion chal­lenge brought last year by a death row inmate. The edi­to­r­i­al called the com­mit­tee’s work a sliv­er of hope for improve­ment” after cost­ly con­fu­sion and…

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Oct 15, 2008

NEW RESOURCES: BBC Documentary Examines US Capital Punishment System Through the Lethal Injection Issue

The BBC doc­u­men­tary Lethal Solution” chron­i­cles reporter Vivian White’s explo­ration of the death penal­ty in the US through the prism of the lethal injec­tion issue. White trav­eled across the US to exe­cu­tion cham­bers where lethal injec­tion exe­cu­tions are car­ried out and inter­viewed par­tic­i­pants from a wide vari­ety of…

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Oct 14, 2008

DPIC Materials in Multiple Languages

Select pages of DPIC’s Web site are now avail­able in Spanish, German and French. DPIC’s Death Penalty Fact Sheet and oth­er infor­ma­tion are in Spanish. DPIC’s Innocence List Case Descriptions are avail­abile in German. DPIC’s 1998 Report The Death Penalty in Black & White: Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Decides is avail­able in…

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Oct 14, 2008

U.S. Supreme Court Declines to Review Troy Davis Case

The U.S. Supreme Court denied cer­tio­rari in the Troy Davis case on October 14, despite his claim of inno­cence. Davis had peti­tioned the Court to inter­vene in his case after sev­en of the nine non-police wit­ness­es against him recant­ed their tes­ti­mo­ny. His lawyers said the new evi­dence demon­strat­ed his inno­cence and that anoth­er man had even con­fessed to the killing. The Georgia Board of Pardon and Paroles could still review its ear­li­er deci­sion to deny clemen­cy to…

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Oct 13, 2008

NEW VOICES: Former Texas Prosecutor Now Opposes Death Penalty as New Study is Released on Wrongful Convictions

A for­mer Dallas County pros­e­cu­tor has aban­doned his long­stand­ing sup­port of the death penal­ty and is now opposed to cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment based on recent exon­er­a­tions in Texas and else­where. James Fry, who pros­e­cut­ed Charles Chatman – a man recent­ly exon­er­at­ed from prison in Dallas County – said he was shak­en to the core” by the high num­ber of exon­er­a­tions through­out the nation and by evi­dence of flawed eye­wit­ness tes­ti­mo­ny. Formerly a staunch sup­port­er of…

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