Publications & Testimony
Items: 4321 — 4330
Mar 17, 2009
Recent Legislative Activity on the Death Penalty
Many states are considering bills to abolish, reform, or expand the death penalty during current legislative sessions. Some recent developments include: New Mexico’s bill to abolish the death penalty passed the House and Senate and is awaiting Gov. Richardson’s decision and signature, likely to come on March 18. In Colorado, a bill to abolish the death penalty and use the resources to pursue cold cases passed the House Judiciary Committee 7 – 4. In…
Read MoreMar 16, 2009
NEW VOICES: State Supreme Court Justice Resigned Over the Death Penalty
Retired Washington State Supreme Court Justice Robert F. Utter recently wrote an opinion piece arguing that the continued use of the death penalty fails to serve justice, public safety or the public purse — and should be abandoned. Justice Utter resigned from the high court after 23 years in 1995 because of his concerns about the death penalty. Justice Utter wrote recently in the Seattle Times, “My original reasons for resignation still apply. I then stated: ‘I…
Read MoreMar 13, 2009
New Mexico Legislature Votes to Repeal the Death Penalty
The New Mexico Senate voted on March 13 to repeal the death penalty and replace it with a sentence of life without parole. The vote was 24 – 18. The House of Representatives had previously voted in favor of repeal. The bill will now go to New Mexico’s Governor Bill Richardson for his signature. He has not announced whether he will sign the bill, but has indicated a new openness to the repeal effort. Many victims’ families members in New Mexico had supported the…
Read MoreMar 12, 2009
Budget Crisis Causing More Cuts in the Judicial System
South Carolina and California recently further cuts in their judicial system in the wake of the economic crisis. California, the nation’s largest state judiciary, faces shortened court hours, furloughed employees, loss of judgeships, and less money for state-funded lawyers. “Courts may be open fewer hours. The irony is that in economic downturns the courts get more child support disputes, foster care filings, and landlord tenant problems,”…
Read MoreMar 11, 2009
With Kentucky’s Public Defender Facing Shutdown, Legal Experts Call for Death Penalty Moratorium
Several legal authorities and public officials are calling on Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear to suspend the death penalty pending resolution of the state’s budget crisis. Kentucky’s public defender system will exhaust its current budget by May 21 with two months remaining in the fiscal year, forcing it to shut down. “The budget shortfall creates a likelihood that counsel will be unavailable or unable to properly proceed, thereby jeopardizing prosecutions and resulting in…
Read MoreMar 10, 2009
Supreme Court Justices Raise Concerns About Time on Death Row
On March 9, the U.S. Supreme Court declined review in Thompson v. McNeil, but three Justices issued strongly worded statements about the importance of the legal issue raised. William Thompson has been on death row in Florida for 32 years. He claimed the excessive time he has spent on death row amounted to cruel and unusual punishment under the Eighth Amendment. Justice John Paul Stevens, in an opinion respecting the denial of…
Read MoreMar 09, 2009
Louisiana Prosecutors Deeply Concerned about Costs of the Death Penalty
Citing the costs of seeking the death penalty, Louisiana prosecutors are “cutting way back,” according to State Attorney General Buddy Caldwell. A former district attorney, Caldwell compared trying a capital case to “playing on a $100-a-roll table instead of a nickel or dime table.” He explained that he could try a second-degree murder case for $15,000 to $20,000 instead of $250,000 to put a death-penalty defendant on trial. Caldwell said the cost of expert witnesses and…
Read MoreMar 06, 2009
PUBLIC OPINION: Support for Death Penalty Has Dropped in North Carolina
In a recent opinion poll conducted by Elon University in North Carolina, less than half of those polled believe that the the death penalty is the “most appropriate punishment for first degree murder.” When the same question was asked in 2005, 61% chose the death penalty as the appropriate sentence. In 2009, that number had dropped to 48%, the same percentage recorded in the University’s 2007 poll. “I would imagine the difference in opinion on our surveys is somewhat…
Read MoreMar 05, 2009
NEW VOICES: Republican Senator Says Kansas Death Penalty “Too Costly”
Senator Carolyn McGinn of Kansas (pictured) recently published an op-ed calling for an end to the death penalty because it is too costly and does not benefit the people. Sen. McGinn, a Republican from Sedgwick, is the sponsor of a bill that would replace the death penalty with a sentence of life without parole. She explained that in light of the state’s budget deficit, Kansas is looking at ways to reduce government spending. “One policy change being…
Read MoreMar 04, 2009
MD Senate Reaches Compromise on Death Penalty
On March 4, the Maryland Senate reached a compromise on a death penalty repeal bill by amending the bill so as to restrict capital prosecutions. The proposed revision to the state’s death penalty statute would preclude murder cases where the only evidence is eyewitness testimony and, in turn, require DNA evidence, videotaped evidence, or a voluntary videotaped confession. Sen. Jamie Raskin, a Montgomery County Democrat and proponent of death penalty repeal, said his support…
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