Publications & Testimony
Items: 4671 — 4680
Dec 01, 2007
Virginia Legislation Prior to 2007
2007: Virginia legislature passed 5 death-penalty expansion bills, which were vetoed by Gov. Tim Kaine. The legislature overrode his vetoes for bills making murder of a witness or a judge a capital offense.Virginia Legislators And Victims Speak Against Death Penalty Two Virginia lawmakers who have had a family member murdered recently spoke in opposition to the death penalty. During a senate committee hearing on a bill to impose a moratorium on executions, Senators Henry L.
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Utah Legislation Prior to 2007
2007: passed a bill making murder of a child under 14 a death-eligible offense.Passed a bill in March 2003, exempting the mentally retarded from the death penalty in which retardation, described as “significantly subaverage general intellectual functioning,” will be determined before the trial. For more information regarding this legislation, Click Here.In February 2003, the Utah Legislature unanimously approved a bill to prohibit the execution of those with…
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Texas Legislation Prior to 2007
Victims’ Advocates, Prosecutors Caution Against Expansion of Texas Death Penalty Victims’ advocates and prosecutors are urging Texas legislators to exclude the death penalty from new legislation designed to toughen penalties for repeat child molesters. Those opposed to the measure fear that threatening death sentences for sex offenders could lead to fewer reported cases of sex crimes and might even give incentive to offenders to kill their victims to prevent the child from…
Read MoreDec 01, 2007
Tennessee Legislation Prior to 2007
Tennessee Legislature Overwhelmingly Approves Death Penalty Study By a vote of 79 – 14, the Tennessee House of Representatives passed bipartisan legislation creating a study commission to examine the state’s death penalty system. A similar measure unanimously passed the state’s Senate in May, just one month after the American Bar Association issued a report finding that the state was not in full compliance with most of the benchmarks…
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South Carolina Legislation Prior to 2007
South Carolina and Oklahoma Governors Sign Bills Expanding Death Penalty South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford and Oklahoma Governor Brad Henry have signed into law legislation that allows proseuctors to seek the death penalty for repeat child molesters. The new South Carolina law allows a death sentence if the accused has been twice convicted of raping a child younger than 11-years-old. It also sets a 25-year mandatory minimum prison sentence for some sex offenders, mandates…
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Pennsylvania Legislation Prior to 2007
Pennsylvania Commission to Study Wrongful Convictions Pennsylvania has convened a commission of judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, law enforcement officers and victims’ advocates to study the causes of wrongful convictions and make recommendations for preventing them in the state. Forensic errors, mistaken eyewitness identifications and false confessions have led to wrongful convictions around the nation, including 9 people from Pennsylvania who have…
Read MoreDec 01, 2007
Oklahoma Legislation Prior to 2007
South Carolina and Oklahoma Governors Sign Bills Expanding Death Penalty South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford and Oklahoma Governor Brad Henry have signed into law legislation that allows proseuctors to seek the death penalty for repeat child molesters. The new South Carolina law allows a death sentence if the accused has been twice convicted of raping a child younger than 11-years-old. It also sets a 25-year mandatory minimum prison sentence for some sex offenders, mandates…
Read MoreDec 01, 2007
Ohio Legislation Prior to 2007
Conservative Support Moves Ohio Death Penalty Study Bill With bipartisan support, Ohio’s House of Representatives passed a bill to create an 18-member committee to conduct an exhaustive study of capital punishment in the state. Under the bill, which passed by a vote of 64 – 30 in the Republican-controlled House, the committee would examine all capital trials since the state reinstated the punishment in 1981. The committee would examine issues such as race,…
Read MoreDec 01, 2007
North Carolina Legislation Prior to 2007
Dec 01, 2007
New York Legislation Prior to 2007
Closing of the Capital Defender Office Will Save the State Millions as New York’s Death Penalty Ends New York’s Capital Defender Office is preparing to close its doors in the wake of a N.Y. Court of Appeals ruling that disposed of the final appeal of a death sentence under the capital punishment law declared unconstitutional in 2004. “It is … my intention to close the office as soon as practically possible,” said Kevin M. Doyle, who has served as Executive Director of the…
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