Publications & Testimony

Items: 541 — 550

May 05, 2022

Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Case of Texas Death Row Prisoner Rodney Reed

In a case legal experts say could redress a mis­car­riage of jus­tice or insti­tu­tion­al­ize it, the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to review the Texas fed­er­al courts’ refusal to per­mit DNA test­ing of crime-scene evi­dence that could poten­tial­ly exon­er­ate death-row pris­on­er Rodney…

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May 03, 2022

Tennessee Governor Halts Executions Scheduled for 2022 to Conduct Review of Execution Protocol Oversight’

Tennessee Governor Bill Lee (pic­tured) has paused all exe­cu­tions sched­uled for 2022 and called for an inde­pen­dent review” of the state’s exe­cu­tion pro­to­col to address a tech­ni­cal over­sight” that led him to halt Oscar Franklin Smiths exe­cu­tion less than a half-hour before it was sched­uled to be car­ried out on April 21,…

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Apr 29, 2022

Missouri Plans to Execute Prisoner Whose Death Sentence Was Reversed Three Times and Reinstated on a Technicality

Carman Deck (pic­tured) has been sen­tenced to death three times. Each of those death sen­tences were over­turned — once by the U.S. Supreme Court — as a result of prej­u­di­cial con­sti­tu­tion­al vio­la­tions in his tri­als. Nonetheless, he faces exe­cu­tion in Missouri on May 3, 2022 because a pro­ce­dur­al tech­ni­cal­i­ty over­turned his third grant of relief, block­ing him from pre­sent­ing his claim that crit­i­cal mit­i­gat­ing evi­dence call­ing for a sen­tence less than death had…

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Apr 28, 2022

Supreme Court Refuses to Review Case in Which Texas Judge Seated Juror Who Believed Non-White Races’ More Violent

Five years after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a Texas death sen­tence when an expert wit­ness had tes­ti­fied that a Black defen­dant posed an increased risk of com­mit­ting future acts of vio­lence because of his race, the Court has refused to review anoth­er Texas cap­i­tal case in which the tri­al court per­mit­ted a juror to serve who expressed the very same…

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Apr 27, 2022

Arkansas Marks Five Years Since End of 2017 Execution Spree

On April 27, 2017, Kenneth Williams con­vulsed vio­lent­ly as he died on the gur­ney, the fourth pris­on­er put to death in an eleven-day exe­cu­tion spree in which Arkansas intend­ed to exe­cute eight men before its sup­ply of exe­cu­tion drugs expired. It has not exe­cut­ed anyone…

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