Publications & Testimony

Items: 731 — 740

Aug 17, 2021

Anti-Violence Advocates, Prosecutors, and Innocence Groups File Supreme Court Briefs in Support of Battered Woman on Texas Death Row

A coali­tion of advo­cates for vic­tims of domes­tic and gen­der-based vio­lence, for­mer pros­e­cu­tors, legal schol­ars, and inno­cence orga­ni­za­tions have filed briefs in the U.S. Supreme Court in sup­port of a Texas woman who was sen­tenced to death for what foren­sic evi­dence sug­gests may have been an acci­den­tal fall that killed her two-year-old…

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Aug 16, 2021

NBC’s Dateline’ Investigates the Wrongful Capital Conviction of Death-Row Exoneree Walter Ogrod

NBC’s true crime series, Dateline, fea­tured an episode on August 13, 2021 on the wrong­ful con­vic­tion and even­tu­al exon­er­a­tion of for­mer Philadelphia death-row pris­on­er Walter Ogrod (pic­tured). The episode, enti­tled The Investigation,” is part of an NBC News series called Justice for All” that reports on wrong­ful con­vic­tions and the U.S. crim­i­nal legal…

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Aug 13, 2021

Oklahoma Federal Court Rules that Death-Row Prisoners’ Challenge to State’s Lethal Injection Protocol May Proceed to Trial

An Oklahoma fed­er­al judge has ordered a tri­al in a suit filed by the state’s death-row pris­on­ers chal­leng­ing the con­sti­tu­tion­al­i­ty of Oklahoma’s three-drug lethal-injec­tion process. Judge Stephen Friot of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma ruled on August 11, 2021 that the suit, which alleges that Oklahoma’s exe­cu­tion pro­to­col vio­lates the Eighth Amendment ban on cru­el and unusu­al pun­ish­ment, may pro­ceed to tri­al. Judge Friot denied sev­er­al other…

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Aug 06, 2021

DPIC Analysis: 13 Exonerated in 2020 From Convictions Obtained by Wrongful Threat or Pursuit of the Death Penalty

A Death Penalty Information Center analy­sis of data from the National Registry of Exonerations has found that law enforce­ment use or threat of cap­i­tal pros­e­cu­tion against sus­pects or wit­ness­es con­tributed to the wrong­ful con­vic­tions of 10% of the peo­ple exon­er­at­ed in the United States and more than one-fifth of all mur­der exon­er­a­tions in…

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