Publications & Testimony

Items: 791 — 800

Jun 07, 2021

California Supreme Court Hears Case That Could Undo Hundreds of State Death Sentences

The California Supreme Court heard oral argu­ment on June 2, 2021 in a cap­i­tal case whose out­come could affect the fate of hun­dreds of pris­on­ers on the state’s death row. Supported by friend-of-the-court briefs by California Governor Gavin Newsom and an alliance of pro­gres­sive California dis­trict attor­neys, lawyers for death row pris­on­er Don’te McDaniel argued to the court that California’s cap­i­tal sen­tenc­ing scheme is uncon­sti­tu­tion­al because it fails to…

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Jun 07, 2021

Capital Case Roundup — Death Penalty Court Decisions the Week of May 312021

NEWS (6/​4/​21) — Arizona: The Arizona Supreme Court has ruled that the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2016 deci­sion in Lynch v. Arizona, which struck down the state’s uncon­sti­tu­tion­al refusal to instruct cap­i­tal-sen­tenc­ing juries that defen­dants who are sen­tenced to life are not eli­gi­ble for parole, does not pro­vide grounds for a death-row pris­on­er to seek new state-court review of that…

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Jun 03, 2021

New Podcast: Rethinking Public Safety, A Conversation with Former Nevada Prison Doctor, Dr. Karen Gedney

In 1989, Nevada prison doc­tor, Dr. Karen Gedney (pic­tured) refused a request by state offi­cials to write a pre­scrip­tion for exe­cu­tion drugs, believ­ing that doing so vio­lat­ed her med­ical oath to do no harm and her duty to pro­vide med­ical care to pris­on­ers. In the sec­ond episode of the Discussions With DPIC podcast’s Rethinking Public Safety series, Dr. Gedney speaks with DPIC Managing Director Anne Holsinger about this and…

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Jun 01, 2021

California Gov. Gavin Newsom Orders Investigation into Kevin Cooper Capital Murder Conviction

California Governor Gavin Newsom has ordered an inde­pen­dent inves­ti­ga­tion into the case of Kevin Cooper, who has con­sis­tent­ly main­tained his inno­cence in the 1983 quadru­ple-mur­der for which he was sen­tenced to death. Newsom’s May 28, 2021 exec­u­tive order appoints the law firm Morrison and Foerster, LLP as Special Counsel to the California Board of Parole Hearings and directs the firm to con­duct a full review of the tri­al and appel­late records in [Cooper’s]…

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May 31, 2021

Capital Case Roundup — Death Penalty Court Decisions the Week of May 242021

NEWS (5/​24 and 5/​26/​21) — Washington, D.C.: The U.S. Supreme Court issued rul­ings in two death-penal­ty cas­es, deny­ing a defense peti­tion to review an as-applied” chal­lenge to Missouri’s lethal-injec­tion pro­to­col and grant­i­ng a pros­e­cu­tion peti­tion to delay enforce­ment of a state-court rul­ing that had void­ed the con­vic­tion of an Oklahoma death-row…

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May 28, 2021

In New Round of Racial Justice Act Litigation, North Carolina Judge Orders Prosecutors to Disclose Data on Decades of Jury Strikes

In the first Racial Justice Act case to reach a hear­ing since the North Carolina Supreme Court struck down the state legislature’s attempt to retroac­tive­ly repeal the land­mark law, a North Carolina judge has ordered state pros­e­cu­tors to pro­duce decades of data on jury selec­tion in cap­i­tal cas­es. On May 20, 2021, Superior Court Judge Wayland Sermons (pic­tured) grant­ed a request from the legal team rep­re­sent­ing death-row pris­on­er Hasson…

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May 27, 2021

Citing Mental Incompetency From Racist Delusions, Appeal Lawyers Argue Trial Court Should Not Have Permitted Dylann Roof to Represent Himself

Lawyers for fed­er­al death row pris­on­er Dylann Roof argued to a fed­er­al appeals court that the avowed white supremacist’s con­vic­tions and death sen­tences in his tri­al for the 2015 mur­ders of nine Black church­go­ers at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina should be over­turned because the judge pre­sid­ing over his case uncon­sti­tu­tion­al­ly per­mit­ted Roof to rep­re­sent him­self while mentally…

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