Noted author and human rights activist, Sister Helen Prejean, has released a let­ter sent to George S. Barrett, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Cardinal Health in Dublin, Ohio, ask­ing him to secure the return of drugs that may be used to exe­cute Andrew De Young in Georgia and to take every step pos­si­ble to make your actu­al prac­tices com­ply with your stat­ed busi­ness and eth­i­cal codes, includ­ing demand­ing the imme­di­ate return of the drugs and refund­ing the pur­chase price of $27,000 to The Georgia Department of Corrections.” See Sr. Helen’s let­ter and Press Release.

(Press Release, June 21, 2011; let­ter from Sr. Helen Prejean, June 20, 2011). See

Lethal Injection


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