South Dakota has sched­uled the exe­cu­tion of 24-year-old Elijah Page on August 28 for a mur­der com­mit­ted in 2000. Page has dropped his remain­ing appeals. He would be the first per­son exe­cut­ed in the state since it rein­stat­ed cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment in 1979. The last exe­cu­tion in the state was in 1947. South Dakota has only four peo­ple on its death row.

Among church lead­ers in South Dakota, there is a dif­fer­ence of opin­ion with regard to cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment. Catholic, Methodist, and Presbyterian church­es gen­er­al­ly oppose it, and Southern Baptists typ­i­cal­ly sup­port the death penal­ty. However, Jesse Moore, a Southern Baptist min­is­ter in the state, says he breaks with his church’s posi­tion, not­ing, I look at the idea of the sanc­ti­ty of life, which is where I draw my oppo­si­tion to abor­tion. If I’m going to val­ue the life of an unborn child in the womb, I have to give the same val­ue to a life that’s out­side the womb.” The Rev. Charles Cimpl, pas­tor at St. Michael Catholic Church in Sioux Falls, agreed. The Catholic Church believes in an oblig­a­tion to pro­mot­ing a cul­ture of life,” Cimpl said. Human life is sacred from con­cep­tion to nat­ur­al death. Anytime we inten­tion­al­ly go against that, we’re break­ing the dig­ni­ty of human life.“

During his tri­al, Page’s long his­to­ry of child abuse was revealed. According to tes­ti­mo­ny and court records, Page’s moth­er allowed her young son to be molest­ed in exchange for drugs, and his step­fa­ther once used him as a human shield dur­ing a drug-relat­ed gun fight. When his moth­er lost cus­tody of her chil­dren, Page was shuf­fled to as many as twelve fos­ter homes and became a fre­quent run­away. As he sen­tenc­ing Page to death, Circuit Judge Warren Johnson not­ed, Most peo­ple treat their pets bet­ter than your par­ents treat­ed their kids.”

(Sioux Falls Argus Leader, March 19, 2006). See New Voices and Upcoming Executions.

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