
STUDIES: New Report Sees Demise of California’s Death Penalty

By Death Penalty Information Center

Posted on Jul 15, 2011 | Updated on Mar 14, 2025

A new report on the state’s death penal­ty sys­tem pub­lished by the ACLU of Northern California cat­a­logs numer­ous intractable prob­lems and wan­ing pub­lic sup­port which may lead to the end of cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment in the state. According to the report, California’s Death Penalty is Dead: Anatomy of a Failure,” the death penal­ty in California is being slow­ly aban­doned as pros­e­cu­tors, leg­is­la­tors and tax­pay­ers are increas­ing­ly turn­ing to life in prison with­out parole as an alter­na­tive pun­ish­ment. Only three death sen­tences were imposed in the state between January — June 2011, a sig­nif­i­cant decline com­pared to the same peri­od last year when there were 13. This marks the low­est num­ber of new death sen­tences with­in a six-month peri­od since the death penal­ty was rein­stat­ed in 1978. The report also high­lights that vot­ers in the 2010 elec­tion opt­ed for offi­cials who sup­port­ed replac­ing the death penal­ty over those who aggres­sive­ly cam­paigned in favor for the death penal­ty. A 2011 poll revealed that 63% of like­ly California vot­ers sup­port­ed com­mut­ing all exist­ing death sen­tences to life with­out parole, there­by sav­ing the state hun­dreds of mil­lions of dol­lars. The com­mu­ta­tion pro­pos­al received sup­port from respon­dents across polit­i­cal par­ty lines and from all regions of the state. Among the prob­lems high­light­ed in the report are the enor­mous costs of the death penal­ty, the long delay in assign­ing lawyers for death penal­ty appeals, and the absence of any mean­ing­ful return for all the resources spent. Read full text of the report here.

(ACLU of Northern California, California’s Death Penalty is Dead: Anatomy of a Failure,” July 2011). See Studies and Costs.

-from the ACLU report

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