Entries tagged with “Cardinal Health, Inc.


Lethal Injection


Oct 01, 2018

Finding Bad Faith,” Judge Grants Injunction Preventing Nevada From Using Drug in Execution

Finding that the Nevada Department of Corrections act­ed in bad faith” to obtain the drug mida­zo­lam through sub­terfuge,” a Las Vegas tri­al court has issued a pre­lim­i­nary injunc­tion bar­ring the state from using its sup­ply of that drug in car­ry­ing out any exe­cu­tion. The 43-page rul­ing issued by Judge Elizabeth Gonzalez (pic­tured) on September 28, 2018 effec­tive­ly freezes efforts by Nevada pros­e­cu­tors to exe­cute Scott Dozier, who has waived his…


Lethal Injection


Aug 04, 2016

Pharmaceutical Companies Reiterate Opposition to Participating in Executions as States Scramble for Execution Drugs

Distribution restric­tions put in place by major phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal com­pa­nies in the United States against mis­use of their med­i­cines and export reg­u­la­tions insti­tut­ed by the European Union have made it increas­ing­ly dif­fi­cult for states to obtain sup­plies of drugs for use in exe­cu­tions. However, despite these restric­tions, some states have obtained phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal prod­ucts man­u­fac­tured by these com­pa­nies for use in lethal…

Policy Issues



Executions Overview


Methods of Execution


Lethal Injection


Aug 02, 2013

LETHAL INJECTION: Shortage of Drugs Leaves Texas Unsure About Future Executions

On August 1, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice announced its remain­ing sup­ply of pen­to­bar­bi­tal, used for lethal injec­tions, expires in September, and it is unsure where to obtain more. The drug’s man­u­fac­tur­er, Lundbeck, Inc., has barred dis­tri­b­u­tion to states intend­ing to use the drug in…


Executions Overview


Jun 21, 2011

Sister Helen Prejean Appeals to U.S. Drug Company on Behalf of Georgia Death Row Inmate

Noted author and human rights activist, Sister Helen Prejean, has released a let­ter sent to George S. Barrett, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Cardinal Health in Dublin, Ohio, ask­ing him to secure the return of drugs that may be used to exe­cute Andrew De Young in Georgia and to take every step pos­si­ble to make your actu­al prac­tices com­ply with your stat­ed busi­ness and eth­i­cal codes, includ­ing demand­ing the imme­di­ate return of the…