Entries tagged with “Cory Maples


Feb 14, 2022

Federal Court Overturns Death Sentence of Alabama Death-Row Prisoner Whose Abandonment by Counsel Led to Supreme Court Ruling

A fed­er­al dis­trict court has over­turned the death sen­tence of an Alabama death-row pris­on­er whose aban­don­ment by his state post-con­vic­­tion coun­sel led to a U.S. Supreme Court deci­sion on the right of access to fed­er­al habeas cor­pus review. On January 27, 2022, Judge Karon O. Bowdre of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Alabama over­turned Cory Maples’ death sen­tence, hold­ing that his trial…


Oct 03, 2011

SUPREME COURT: Alabama Man Facing Execution Because Attorneys Left Without Filing Appeal

In one of the first cas­es of the new term, the U.S. Supreme Court on October 4 will hear from attor­neys for death-row inmate Cory Maples of Alabama, whose appeal was reject­ed by low­er courts because his lawyers quit and missed a crit­i­cal fil­ing dead­line in his state appeal. Copies of an Alabama court rul­ing in his case were sent to a vol­un­teer New York law firm han­dling his appeals but were returned unopened to the court because the attorneys…