Entries tagged with “Posthumous exonerations

Policy Issues



Mar 25, 2019

Florida Man Who Took Plea to Avoid Death Penalty Posthumously Exonerated of 1983 Rape-Murder

Broward County, Florida pros­e­cu­tors moved to posthu­mous­ly exon­er­ate Ronald Stewart (pic­tured) of a rape and mur­der he did not com­mit. Stewart pled no con­test to the 1983 rape and mur­der of Regina Harrison after he was threat­ened with the death penal­ty. The actu­al killer, whose guilt has since been con­firmed by DNA test­ing, went on to mur­der at least two more women after…

Policy Issues





History of the Death Penalty


Jun 19, 2015

Pardon Sought for Black Teen Executed by Pennsylvania 84 Years Ago

84 years after Pennsylvania exe­cut­ed a black 16-year-old for the 1931 mur­der of his white school matron, the descen­dants of the boy’s tri­al lawyers are try­ing to exonerate…

Policy Issues





Sep 23, 2010

INNOCENCE: DNA Test Clears Three Wrongfully Convicted Inmates Who Might Have Been Executed

Two men who were serv­ing life sen­tences were exon­er­at­ed on September 16 from a Mississippi prison after 30 years. Phillip Bivens and Bobby Ray Dixon were accused of the 1979 rape and mur­der of Eva Gail Patterson. Larry Ruffin, a co-defen­dant who died in prison eight years ago, will be posthumously…