Entries tagged with “Ronald Gray

Dec 09, 2008

Military death sen­tence case may head back for Supreme Court certiorari decision

Dec. 9, 2008US MILTARY:Military death sen­tence case may head back for Supreme Court cer­tio­rari decisionFor the 1st time in half a cen­tu­ry, the President approved a mil­i­tary death sen­tence this sum­mer. Army Private Ronald Gray was sen­tenced to death by a mil­i­tary court-mar­tial pan­el in 1988 after con­vict­ing him of two mur­ders, three rapes, an attempt­ed mur­der, and a host of oth­er crimes. A mil­i­tary death sen­tence trig­gers auto­mat­ic appeals. In Gray’s case, his con­vic­tion went before the Army…

State & Federal Info

Federal Death Penalty




Nov 21, 2008

First US Military Execution Since 1961 Scheduled for December

UPDATE: The United States District Court for the District of Kansas entered a stay of exe­cu­tion in Private Ron Gray’s case on November 26. The U.S. mil­i­tary had sched­uled its first exe­cu­tion since 1961 for December 10. Two decades ago, Pvt. Ronald Gray was con­vict­ed and sen­tenced to death by a gen­er­al court-mar­tial pan­el at Fort Bragg for mur­der and rape com­mit­ted in the Fayetteville area of North Carolina. Earlier, a North Carolina civil­ian court had con­vict­ed him of the same crimes,…