Entries tagged with “Jack Friend


Jul 20, 2021

California Supreme Court Rules that Voter Initiative Does Not Bar Death-Row Prisoners From Filing Additional Appeals Based on Newly Discovered Facts or New Court Decisions

In a unan­i­mous rul­ing, the California Supreme Court has lim­it­ed the reach of a con­tro­ver­sial vot­er ini­tia­tive that was intend­ed to accel­er­ate judi­cial review of death-penal­ty cas­es. In In re: Friend, decid­ed June 28, 2021, the court ruled that pro­vi­sions of Proposition 66 that strict­ly lim­it a death-row prisoner’s abil­i­ty to file suc­ces­sive chal­lenges to his or her cap­i­tal con­vic­tion or death sen­tence do not bar a cap­i­tal peti­tion­er from filing a…