Entries tagged with “Kerry Max Cook

Policy Issues



Aug 13, 2024

New Analysis: Innocent Death-Sentenced Prisoners Wait Longer than Ever for Exoneration

On July 1, after wait­ing 41 years for his name to be cleared, Larry Roberts became the 200th per­son exon­er­at­ed from death row. A new Death Penalty Information Center analy­sis finds that Mr. Roberts’ expe­ri­ence illus­trates a trou­bling trend: for inno­cent death-sen­tenced pris­on­ers, the length of time between wrong­ful con­vic­tion and exon­er­a­tion is increas­ing. In the past twen­ty years, the aver­age length of time before exon­er­a­tion has rough­ly tripled, and 2024 has the high­est-ever aver­age wait…

Policy Issues



Jun 21, 2024

Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Finds Kerry Max Cook Actually Innocent” 46 Years After His Original Conviction

On June 19, 2024, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals set aside 68-year-old Kerry Max Cook’s con­vic­tion, find­ing him to be actu­al­ly inno­cent.” Describing Mr. Cook’s case as one of the most notable mur­der cas­es of the last half-cen­tu­ry,” the major­i­ty opin­ion explains that when it comes to sol­id sup­port for actu­al inno­cence, this case con­tains it all — uncon­tro­vert­ed Brady vio­la­tions, proof of false tes­ti­mo­ny, admis­sions of per­jury, and new sci­en­tif­ic evi­dence.” The Death Penalty Information…

Policy Issues





Sep 02, 2020

Books: When Truth Is All You Have” Tells Story of the Centurion Ministries’ Role in the Modern Innocence Movement

When Truth is All You Have, a new mem­oir by Centurion Ministries founder Jim McCloskey (pic­tured) tells the sto­ry of what many con­sid­er to be the birth of the mod­ern inno­cence move­ment. The book, writ­ten with for­mer USA Today nation­al edi­tor Philip Lerman, and released in July 2020, describes McCloskey’s per­son­al and pro­fes­sion­al evo­lu­tion as he cre­at­ed Centurion Ministries in 1983, the first-ever orga­ni­za­tion ded­i­cat­ed to…