As stu­dents return to the class­room this fall, the Death Penalty Information Center is offer­ing edu­ca­tors an updat­ed ver­sion of its award-win­ning Educational Curriculum on the Death Penalty to assist teach­ers who wish to include this top­ic in their class­rooms. DPIC’s bal­anced and dynam­ic online cur­ricu­lum was designed in con­junc­tion with the Michigan State Communications Technology Laboratory. This free class­room tool offers sep­a­rate teacher and stu­dent sites, flex­i­ble les­son plans, teacher overviews, and objec­tives meet­ing nation­al edu­ca­tion­al stan­dards. To sup­ple­ment the many resources avail­able on these sites, DPIC also offers teacher train­ing work­shops and a Teacher Listserv for edu­ca­tors inter­est­ed in teach­ing about the death penal­ty. Teachers who reg­is­ter for the Listserv receive a print­able teacher’s guide, time­ly updates on sig­nif­i­cant death penal­ty news and events for class­room dis­cus­sion, and access to death penal­ty experts. Click here to reg­is­ter for the Teacher Listserv. For more infor­ma­tion about teacher train­ings or to receive a brochure about DPIC’s Educational Curriculum on the Death Penalty, please con­tact Jennifer Adger, DPIC’s new Curriculum Coordinator. Read more about the curriculum.

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