The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals recent­ly ruled that a death row inmate who removed his only remain­ing eye and ate it is clear­ly crazy,’ but he is also sane’ under Texas law,” reject­ing his appeal. Death row inmate Andre Thomas had stabbed some of his fam­i­ly mem­bers and ripped their hearts out. He then walked into the Sherman Police Department, admit­ted to the killings, and said God told him to com­mit them. Shortly after his arrest, he removed his right eye in 2004. In December 2008, a death row offi­cer found Thomas with a bloody face and it was deter­mined that he had removed his left eye and eat­en it. Thomas had been to hos­pi­tals twice pri­or to his arrest for men­tal health issues, but had not received treat­ment. Judge Cathy Cochran, writ­ing for the court, said, This is an extra­or­di­nar­i­ly trag­ic case,” because the deaths could have been avoid­ed if Thomas had been treated.

(Associated Press, Texas Judge: Eye-Plucking Inmate Crazy’ but Sane,” The New York Times, March 18, 2009). See Mental Illness and Arbritrariness.

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