The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals recently ruled that a death row inmate who removed his only remaining eye and ate it “is clearly ‘crazy,’ but he is also ‘sane’ under Texas law,” rejecting his appeal. Death row inmate Andre Thomas had stabbed some of his family members and ripped their hearts out. He then walked into the Sherman Police Department, admitted to the killings, and said God told him to commit them. Shortly after his arrest, he removed his right eye in 2004. In December 2008, a death row officer found Thomas with a bloody face and it was determined that he had removed his left eye and eaten it. Thomas had been to hospitals twice prior to his arrest for mental health issues, but had not received treatment. Judge Cathy Cochran, writing for the court, said, “This is an extraordinarily tragic case,” because the deaths could have been avoided if Thomas had been treated.
(Associated Press, “Texas Judge: Eye-Plucking Inmate ‘Crazy’ but Sane,” The New York Times, March 18, 2009). See Mental Illness and Arbritrariness.
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