Troy Davis has been scheduled for execution on September 23 in Georgia, despite serious doubts about his guilt. The state Parole Board has scheduled a clemency hearing on September 12 to review evidence related to the fact that seven of the nine eye-witnesses that testified against Davis have recanted their statements. Davis’ lawyers say they have evidence exonerating him and implicating another person as the killer. The Parole Board previously raised questions about Davis’ guilt and granted a stay of his execution 24 hours before his July 2007 execution date.

Despite the witnesses’ statements that they aren’t sure it was him and claims of new evidence, the Georgia Supreme Court has refused to grant Davis a new trial. Davis’ attorney feels the Parole Board is his best chance for relief, stating, “We think the Georgia Pardons and Parole Board is the fail safe. We have somebody sitting on Death Row… who is innocent.” The recent developments in the case have drawn support for Davis from Amnesty International, civil rights activists, the European Parliament, and Pope Benedict XVI. More than 100,000 letters and petitions have been collected by Amnesty International in support of Davis.

(R. Cook, “Davis execution scheduled; 7 witnesses have recanted,” Atlanta Journal-Constitution, September 3, 2008). See also Innocence. UPDATE: Parole Board Denied Clemency on Sept. 12: Execution Scheduled for Sept. 23.

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