Despite being under fed­er­al court order to under­take pro­tec­tive mea­sures against the spread of COVID-19, the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) took no action after being alert­ed that two reporters who had been media wit­ness­es to the fed­er­al exe­cu­tions at the Federal Correctional Complex at Terre Haute, Indiana in January 2021 had contracted COVID-19

Emails obtained by the Death Penalty Information Center (see pic­tures) show that Indiana Public Media reporter George Hale noti­fied Bureau of Prisons (BOP) offi­cials on January 21, 2021 and again on January 22 and January 26 that he had test­ed pos­i­tive for the coro­n­avirus. Hale also noti­fied BOP that his col­league Adam Pinsker had sub­se­quent­ly test­ed pos­i­tive for the virus. But, Associated Press reports, the BOP did not release this infor­ma­tion to the pub­lic, con­duct con­tact trac­ing, or noti­fy oth­er exe­cu­tion wit­ness­es who had been in close prox­im­i­ty to the COVID-positive reporters. 

BOP nev­er dis­closed the infor­ma­tion on its own voli­tion, but final­ly con­firmed it was aware of the pos­i­tive test results on January 27, 2021 in response to ques­tions from Associated Press reporters who also had wit­nessed the executions. 

BOP’s inten­tion­al refusal to ini­ti­ate reme­di­al mea­sures is the lat­est in a series of acts and omis­sions endan­ger­ing the pub­lic health through­out the course of 13 exe­cu­tions under­tak­en dur­ing a pan­dem­ic that has killed as many Americans as died in World War II. The pos­i­tive tests are the lat­est in a grow­ing list of death-row pris­on­ers, spir­i­tu­al advi­sors, and exe­cu­tion per­son­nel who have con­tract­ed the virus as a result of an exe­cu­tion process that has brought togeth­er more than 300 peo­ple from across the country.

Court records obtained by the ACLU showed that BOP failed to con­duct con­tact trac­ing for mem­bers of the exe­cu­tion teams who test­ed pos­i­tive after five exe­cu­tions in August, September, and December. Records were not avail­able for the December exe­cu­tions. The Justice Department pri­or­i­tized secre­cy over pub­lic safe­ty, claim­ing that con­tact trac­ing was not always pos­si­ble for mem­bers of the exe­cu­tion team, giv­en the para­mount need for their con­fi­den­tial­i­ty due to the sen­si­tiv­i­ty of their occu­pa­tion and their unique mission.”

The BOP had been under fed­er­al court order to imple­ment health mea­sures after non-cap­i­tal pris­on­ers sued to block the exe­cu­tions because they had led to an explo­sion of coro­n­avirus cas­es in the Terre Haute facil­i­ty. On January 7, 2021, the week before the January set of fed­er­al exe­cu­tions, Judge Jane Magnus-Stinson of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana ordered that the BOP enforce mask require­ments” for the exe­cu­tion team, main­tain con­tact logs” for those who have come in close con­tact with any oth­er per­son dur­ing exe­cu­tion prepa­ra­tion,” and “[c]onduct thor­ough con­tract trac­ing for any [Federal Correctional Complex] staff mem­ber who tests pos­i­tive for COVID-19” for 14 days after close con­tact. The order only cov­ered BOP employ­ees and did not include oth­ers, like media wit­ness­es, who may have come into con­tact with BOP employees.

January 21, 2021 email from Indiana Public Media reporter George Hale to the Bureau of Prisons and the BOP’s January 22 reply. (Click to enlarge image.)

COVID-19 Notification to the Federal Bureau of Prisons

In an arti­cle for Indiana Public Media, reporter George Hale wrote about his expe­ri­ence attempt­ing to get BOP to respond to his COVID-19 diag­no­sis. A week to the day after wit­ness­ing the exe­cu­tion of Cory Johnson, on Jan. 14, 2021, I received noti­fi­ca­tion that I test­ed pos­i­tive for COVID-19,” he wrote. My col­league Adam Pinsker wit­nessed the exe­cu­tion of Dustin Higgs on Jan. 16. He received a pos­i­tive test result nine days lat­er.” He said that “[w]ithin hours of receiv­ing my test result on Jan. 21, I reached out to the U.S. Bureau of Prisons to make sure their staff knew to get test­ed. I want­ed to grant per­mis­sion to share my pos­i­tive test result with any per­son I encoun­tered. Most of the peo­ple we meet dur­ing the exe­cu­tions are anony­mous and this seemed to be the quick­est way to noti­fy them. It also seemed like the fastest way to noti­fy the many jour­nal­ists I encountered.” 

To the best of his knowl­edge, Hale asserts that the BOP did not con­tact any­one who was exposed to him. Numerous reporters and media wit­ness­es have indi­cat­ed they were not con­tact­ed by the BOP con­cern­ing Hale’s positive test. 

Hale sent his first email at 8:28 p.m. on January 21. The next after­noon, at 2:23 p.m., the BOP replied with an email stat­ing, Thank you for this infor­ma­tion. The BOP com­pletes con­tact trac­ing with pos­i­tive indi­vid­u­als based on the CDC rec­om­men­da­tions (a close con­tact is some­one who was with­in 6 feet of an infect­ed per­son for a total of 15 min­utes or more start­ing from 48 hours before ill­ness onset until the time the patient is iso­lat­ed). Since you test­ed pos­i­tive on 1 – 21 and you were last at the facil­i­ty on Jan. 15, noth­ing needs to be com­plet­ed at this time. Thank you for noti­fy­ing us and I hope you have a speedy recovery.” 

Hale’s fol­low-up email to the Bureau of Prisons on January 22, 2021. (Click to enlarge image.)

Hale imme­di­ate­ly respond­ed with an email to BOP, sent at 2:41 p.m., clar­i­fy­ing that his COVID test had been admin­is­tered on January 19 and that he had received the results on January 21. Hale attached a copy of the sali­va-based COVID-19 poly­merase chain reac­tion (PCR) test results to his email. The report indi­cat­ed that the test had detect­ed” evi­dence of COVID-19.

Hearing noth­ing fur­ther from BOP, Hale fol­lowed up with a third email at 5:19 a.m. on January 26. That email detailed the emer­gence of his COVID-19 symp­toms well with­in the 48-hour win­dow out­lined for con­tact trac­ing men­tioned in the BOP official’s email. 

Hale said he had begun expe­ri­enc­ing a headache on Saturday night, January 16, which last­ed for two days. The last time I was at the media cen­ter was, of course, just after mid­night Saturday, Jan. 16 fol­low­ing Dustin Higgs’ exe­cu­tion,” he wrote, adding that “[a] col­league who wit­nessed that exe­cu­tion received a pos­i­tive COVID-19 test result yes­ter­day, three days after mine.”

After hear­ing noth­ing from the Bureau of Prisons, Hale sent anoth­er email on January 26, 2021 detail­ing the BOP per­son­nel with whom he had been in close prox­im­i­ty as a result of the lack of social dis­tanc­ing dur­ing the exe­cu­tion process. (Click to enlarge image.)

Hale also said he was par­tic­u­lar­ly con­cerned about the well­be­ing of three” BOP employ­ees with whom he had been in close prox­im­i­ty. They are the dri­ver of van #1 on Thursday night, the staff mem­ber inside the wit­ness room, and [NAME REDACTED]. Due to the phys­i­cal impos­si­bil­i­ty of social dis­tanc­ing dur­ing these exe­cu­tions, I was well with­in six feet of Ms. [REDACTED] and the dri­ver for about 45 min­utes and inch­es from the oth­er staff mem­ber for about 30 min­utes. I don’t have direct con­tact infor­ma­tion for any of these peo­ple. I’d be grate­ful if you passed this infor­ma­tion along to them.”

In his arti­cle for Indiana Public Media Hale wrote, after prison offi­cials received infor­ma­tion that might have helped pro­tect those wit­ness­es and their loved ones, they decid­ed to leave them in the dark.” BOP’s email response to Hale at 1:42 p.m. on the 26th was a sin­gle line: Thank you for the fol­low up, George. Be safe.”

Citation Guide

George Hale, Our Reporters Who’ve Been Covering The Federal Executions Now Have COVID, WTIU/​WFIU, January 29, 2021; Michael Balsamo and Michael Tarm, Feds with­held info on virus cas­es fol­low­ing exe­cu­tions, Associated Press, January 28, 2021; Jonathan Allen, U.S. to car­ry out 13th and final exe­cu­tion under Trump admin­is­tra­tion, Reuters, January 152021

Read Judge Jane Magnus-Stinson’s January 7, 2021 order here.