Acclaimed artist Robert Priseman has assem­bled some of his draw­ings of exe­cu­tion cham­bers with essays on the death penal­ty into a new book enti­tled No Human Way to Kill.” The essays include the sto­ry of a moth­er whose daugh­ter was mur­dered, a death row inmate’s diary, and an inter­view with Jim Willett, for­mer war­den of the prison where Texas exe­cu­tions are held. Death penal­ty attor­ney Clive Stafford Smith writes in review, The etch­ings and accounts offer up a strange and orig­i­nal con­tem­pla­tion on a sub­ject which stretch­es back far, far too long.”

(R. Priseman, edit. and artist, No Human Way to Kill,” Seabrook Press 2009). See Books.

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