In Pennsylvania–a state that has recent­ly dealt with high-pro­file cas­es of child sex­u­al abuse – one vic­tim of such attacks is now fac­ing exe­cu­tion. On September 6, more than two dozen child advo­cates joined for­mer jurors, the victim’s wid­ow, as well as for­mer pros­e­cu­tors and judges in urg­ing Governor Tom Corbett and the Board of Pardons to grant clemen­cy to death row inmate Terrance Williams (pic­tured). Williams suf­fered years of phys­i­cal and sex­u­al abuse from old­er males, and he even­tu­al­ly killed two of his abusers while in his teens. In a let­ter sent to Gov. Corbett, child advo­cates not­ed, The evi­dence of abuse in this case is clear. There can be no doubt that Terry was repeat­ed­ly and vio­lent­ly abused and exploit­ed as a child and teenag­er by manip­u­la­tive old­er men. Terry’s acts of vio­lence have, alas, an expla­na­tion of the worst sort: enveloped by anger and self-hatred, Terry lashed out and killed two of the men who sex­u­al­ly abused him and caused him so much pain.” In addi­tion to child advo­cates and jurors, the victim’s wid­ow sup­ports clemen­cy for Williams, who is deeply remorse­ful about his crimes. Mamie Norwood, the wife of Amos Norwood whom Williams kiiled, asked that he be spared, I have come to for­give Mr. Williams. It has tak­en me many years. I want his life spared and I do not want him exe­cut­ed. I am at peace with my deci­sion and I hope and pray that my wish­es are respected.”

Among those pub­licly call­ing for clemen­cy for Williams’ are 22 for­mer pros­e­cu­tors and judges, 34 law pro­fes­sors, 40 men­tal health pro­fes­sion­als and over three dozen faith lead­ers from across Pennsylvania includ­ing the Archbishop of Philadelphia, Charles Chaput. If Williams is exe­cut­ed on October 3, 2012, he would be the first non-vol­un­teer put to death by the Commonwealth in 50 years.

(“Child Advocates, Jurors and Victim’s Widow Urge Clemency for Terry Williams, a Survivor of Child Sexual Abuse Who Killed His Abusers,” Press Release, September 6, 2012). For more infor­ma­tion on Terrance Williams includ­ing the clemen­cy peti­tion filed on Sept. 6, vis­it www​.ter​ry​williamscle​men​cy​.com. See Clemency. Listen to DPIC’s pod­cast on Clemency.

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