North Carolina Governor Mike Easley signed a bill into law that requires pros­e­cu­tors to share their files in all felony cas­es. The bill was approved in the wake of alle­ga­tions that pros­e­cu­tors with­held evi­dence in the cap­i­tal mur­der tri­al of Alan Gell, who was lat­er exon­er­at­ed and freed from death row. The new open dis­cov­ery statute requires dis­trict attor­neys to open their inves­tiga­tive files in felony cas­es to defense lawyers who request such access pri­or to tri­al. The law requires DAs to pro­vide such things as police inves­ti­ga­tor notes, defen­dant and wit­ness state­ments, test results and a list of prob­a­ble wit­ness­es for the tri­al. In return, defense attor­neys will have to pro­vide the state with wit­ness lists and details about the grounds on which they plan to defend their client. Dick Taylor of the North Carolina Academy of Trial Lawyers said the law should result in less sur­prise, less ambush and more fair tri­als.” He went on to note, I think it’s one of the most sig­nif­i­cant devel­op­ments in our crim­i­nal pro­ce­dure for a num­ber of years.” Although, when Easley was the state’s attor­ney gen­er­al, his staff fought attempts by defense attor­neys in cap­i­tal cas­es to gain access to pros­e­cu­tors’ files, his spokes­woman stat­ed that Easley has long been in favor of open dis­cov­ery. (Associated Press, August 4, 2004) See Recent Legislative Activity.

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