Voices of the Death Penalty Debate: A Citizen’s Guide to Capital Punishment is a new book that explores argu­ments for and against the death penal­ty through tes­ti­mo­ny giv­en at the his­toric 2004 and 2005 hear­ings in New York on whether the state’s death penal­ty should be rein­stat­ed. The state’s law was struck down by the N.Y. Court of Appeals in 2004. Authored by Russell Murphy, a Suffolk University Law School pro­fes­sor, the book walks read­ers through tes­ti­mo­ny from experts, ordi­nary cit­i­zens, vic­tims, orga­ni­za­tions, reli­gious lead­ers, and indi­vid­u­als who had been exon­er­at­ed and freed from death row. For more infor­ma­tion on this book, click here. (New York’s leg­is­la­ture has repeat­ed­ly refused to rein­state the death penal­ty, and in 2007 the last per­son was removed from the state’s death row, end­ing a 12-year exper­i­ment with cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment, which had been rein­stat­ed in 1995).

(R. Murphy, Voices of the Death Penalty Debate; A Citizen’s Guide to Capital Punishment, Vandeplas Publishing, May 18, 2010). Posted June 18, 2010. See Books on the Death Penalty and History of the Death Penalty.

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