A new book, Where Justice and Mercy Meet: Catholic Opposition to the Death Penalty,” offers a com­pre­hen­sive dis­cus­sion of Catholic teach­ing on cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment. It explores a wide range of issues relat­ed to the death penal­ty, includ­ing racism, men­tal ill­ness, and eco­nom­ic dis­par­i­ties. The book is edit­ed by Trudy Conway and David Matzko McCarthy, both pro­fes­sors at Mount St. Mary’s University, and Vicki Schieber – the moth­er of a mur­der vic­tim. It includes a fore­word by Sister Helen Prejean, author of Dead Man Walking. Joseph A. Fiorenza, Archbishop Emeritus of Galveston-Houston, said the book is a trea­sure trove of infor­ma­tion on the neces­si­ty and urgency to abol­ish an anti­quat­ed approach to capital crimes.”

(V. Schieber, T. Conway, and D. McCarthy, Where Justice and Mercy Meet: Catholic Opposition to the Death Penalty,” Liturgical Press, forth­com­ing February 2013; DPIC Posted, January 18, 2013). See Religion. Read more Books about the death penal­ty.

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