Of the 63 death sen­tences hand­ed down since New Jersey rein­stat­ed cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment in 1982, 47 have been over­turned, includ­ing that of Robert Marshall, whose death sen­tence was reversed on April 8th by a fed­er­al court. Marshall had been on New Jersey’s death row longer than any oth­er inmate pri­or to the vacat­ing of his sen­tence. New Jersey has not car­ried out an exe­cu­tion since bring­ing back the death penal­ty. It cur­rent­ly has 11 inmates on death row, and no exe­cu­tions are sched­uled at this time. (Asbury Park Press, September 7, 2004) See Death Row; also see DPIC’s Summary of Prof. Liebman’s Report on the nation­al Broken System”.

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