Three thou­sand vials of the anes­thet­ic sodi­um thiopen­tal that three states attempt­ed to ille­gal­ly import into the United States for use in exe­cu­tions have now expired, accord­ing to an inves­tiga­tive report by BuzzFeed News. Arizona, Nebraska, and Texas each pur­chased 1000 vials of the drug in 2015 from a ques­tion­able sup­pli­er in India called Harris Pharma, despite warn­ings from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that impor­ta­tion of the drug would vio­late federal law. 

Citing doc­u­ments obtained from the FDA through a pub­lic records request, BuzzFeed reports that the sodi­um thiopen­tal in the ship­ments expired in May 2017

The FDA con­fis­cat­ed the sodi­um thiopen­tal Arizona and Texas attempt­ed to bring into the coun­try after U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents seized the ship­ments at air­ports in Phoenix and Houston. Federal offi­cials jus­ti­fied their action say­ing that a 2012 court order requires the FDA to refuse admis­sion to the US any ship­ment of for­eign man­u­fac­tured sodi­um thiopen­tal being offered for impor­ta­tion that appears to be an unap­proved new drug or a mis­brand­ed drug.” FedEx halt­ed Nebraska’s ship­ment in India because of improp­er or missing paperwork.” 

Harris Pharma, the com­pa­ny that sold the drugs, claimed to have man­u­fac­tured the sodi­um thiopen­tal itself, but the facil­i­ties it reg­is­tered with the FDA and the Drug Enforcement Administration were not equipped to pro­duce phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals. Harris had, in fact, pur­chased the drug from anoth­er Indian man­u­fac­tur­er and resold it to the three states at a sub­stan­tial­ly inflated price. 

The sole U.S. man­u­fac­tur­er of sodi­um thiopen­tal halt­ed pro­duc­tion in 2011 over eth­i­cal con­cerns about the use of the prod­uct in executions. 

In January 2017, Texas sued the FDA in fed­er­al court over the agan­cy’s con­tin­ued deten­tion of the drugs with­out hav­ing issued a for­mal deci­sion on the dis­po­si­tion of the drugs. The FDA issued a final order in April 2017 refus­ing to release the drugs to Arizona and Texas, and Texas has chal­lenged that ruling. 

A spokesper­son for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice said the state’s law­suit against the FDA would con­tin­ue, despite the expi­ra­tion of the drugs. Last year, a Texas offi­cial whose name was redact­ed from offi­cial doc­u­ments said in an affi­davit that the state, intends to con­tin­ue import­ing thiopen­tal sodi­um from the same for­eign source, and with the same label­ing, as the entry that FDA is currently detaining.”

Citation Guide

Chris McDaniel, Texas’s Illegal Execution Drugs From India Have Expired. It Plans To Buy More.,” BuzzFeed News, June 29, 2017. See Lethal Injection.