Methods Of Execution

State-by-State Execution Protocols

StateLink to cur­rent pro­to­colMost recent­ly-used exe­cu­tion pro­to­colPrevious pro­to­cols (Dates used, # of exe­cu­tions)Secrecy poli­cies or statutes
AlabamaEff. August 252023

Nitrogen hypox­ia (1/​25/​2024 – 9/​26/​20243 executions)

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with mida­zo­lam (1/​21/​16 – 10/​17/​24, 20 executions)

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with pen­to­bar­bi­tal (5/​19/​11 – 7/​25/​13, 5 exe­cu­tions)

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (12/​12/​02 – 3/​31/​11, 27 executions)

Electrocution (4/​22/​83 – 5/​10/​02, 24 executions)

There is no statute that requires secre­cy, but it is the posi­tion of the Department gen­er­al­ly that the lethal-injec­tion pro­to­col is con­fi­den­tial and out­side the purview of a pub­lic records request.

Much of the August 2023 pro­to­col release redacts impor­tant infor­ma­tion regard­ing the specifics of the state’s nitro­gen hypox­ia pro­to­col. The state asks spir­i­tu­al advi­sors to sign a waiv­er acknowl­edg­ing the dan­ger present while in the execution chamber.

ArizonaEff. October 20241‑drug pen­to­bar­bi­tal (5/​11/​22 – 11/​16/​223 executions)

2‑drug lethal injec­tion, mida­zo­lam and hydro­mor­phone (7/​23/​14, 1 exe­cu­tion)

1‑drug pen­to­bar­bi­tal (2/​29/​12 – 10/​23/​138 executions)

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with pen­to­bar­bi­tal (5/​25/​11 – 7/​19/​113 executions)

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (5/5/99- 3/​29/​119 executions)

Cyanide gas (3/​3/​991 execution)

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (3/​3/​93 – 2/​24/​99, 14 executions)

Cyanide gas (4/​6/​921 execution)

The pro­to­col states, in part: The anonymi­ty of any per­son, as defined in A.R.S. § 1 – 215(29) and A.R.S. § 13 – 105(30), who par­tic­i­pates in or per­forms any ancil­lary function(s) in the exe­cu­tion, includ­ing the source of the exe­cu­tion chem­i­cals, and any infor­ma­tion con­tained in records that would iden­ti­fy those per­sons are, as required by statute, to remain con­fi­den­tial and are not sub­ject to dis­clo­sure. A.R.S. § 13 – 757(C).” (First appeared in pro­to­col dat­ed March 262014)
ArkansasEff. Aug. 620153‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with mida­zo­lam (4/​20/​17 – 4/​27/​174 executions)

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (6/​25/​90 – 11/​28/​05, 26 executions)

Electrocution (6/​18/​901 execution)

Ark. Code Ann. §5 – 4617 states, in part: “(i)(1) The pro­ce­dures under sub­di­vi­sion (g)(1) of this sec­tion, the imple­men­ta­tion of the pro­ce­dures under sub­di­vi­sion (g)(1) of this sec­tion, and the iden­ti­ties of the enti­ties and per­sons who par­tic­i­pate in the exe­cu­tion process or admin­is­ter the lethal injec­tion are not sub­ject to dis­clo­sure under the Freedom of Information Act of 1967, § 25 – 19-101 et seq.”
CaliforniaNo cur­rent pro­to­col in place3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (2/​23/​96 – 1/​17/​06, 11 executions)Cyanide gas (4/​21/​92 – 8/​24/​932 executions)
ColoradoDeath penal­ty abol­ished in 20203‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (10/​13/​971 execution)None
ConnecticutDeath penal­ty abol­ished in 20123‑drug lethal injec­tion (5/​13/​051 execution)None
DelawareDeath penal­ty declared uncon­sti­tu­tion­al in August 20163‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with pen­to­bar­bi­tal (7/​29/​11 – 4/​20/​122 executions)

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (1/30/96- 11/​4/​058 executions)

Hanging (1/​25/​961 execution)

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (3/​14/​92 – 3/​17/​955 executions)

FloridaEff. March 20233‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with eto­mi­date (8/​24/​17 – 08/​29/​24, 14 executions)

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with mida­zo­lam (10/​15/​13 – 1/​7/​16, 13 executions)

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with pen­to­bar­bi­tal (9/​28/​11 – 10/​1/​13, 10 executions)

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (2/​23/​00 – 2/​16/​10, 25 executions)

Electrocution (5/​25/​79 – 7/​8/​99, 44 executions)

Fla. Stat. Ann. §945.10 states, in part: “(1) Except as oth­er­wise pro­vid­ed by law or in this sec­tion, the fol­low­ing records and infor­ma­tion held by the Department of Corrections are con­fi­den­tial and exempt from the pro­vi­sions [of pub­lic records act]… (g) Information which iden­ti­fies an exe­cu­tion­er, or any per­son pre­scrib­ing, prepar­ing, com­pound­ing, dis­pens­ing, or admin­is­ter­ing a lethal injection.”
GeorgiaEff. July 1720121‑drug lethal injec­tion, pen­to­bar­bi­tal (2/​21/​13 – 3/​20/​24, 25 executions)

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with pen­to­bar­bi­tal (6/​23/​11 – 9/​21/​113 executions)

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (10/​25/​01 – 1/​25/​11, 26 executions)

Electrocution (12/​15/​83 – 6/​9/​98, 23 executions)

Ga. Code Ann. §42 – 536(d)(2) states, in part: The iden­ti­fy­ing infor­ma­tion of any per­son or enti­ty who par­tic­i­pates in or admin­is­ters the exe­cu­tion of a death sen­tence and the iden­ti­fy­ing infor­ma­tion of any per­son or enti­ty that man­u­fac­tures, sup­plies, com­pounds, or pre­scribes the drugs, med­ical sup­plies, or med­ical equip­ment uti­lized in the exe­cu­tion of a death sen­tence shall be con­fi­den­tial and shall not be sub­ject to dis­clo­sure under Article 4 of Chapter 18 of Title 50 or under judi­cial process. Such infor­ma­tion shall be clas­si­fied as a con­fi­den­tial state secret.”
IdahoEff. October 1520241‑drug lethal injec­tion, pen­to­bar­bi­tal (6/​12/​121 execution)

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with pen­to­bar­bi­tal (11/​18/​111 execution)

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (1/​6/​941 execution)

Idaho Administrative Code states, in part: The Department will not dis­close (under any cir­cum­stance) the iden­ti­ty of the on-site physi­cian; or staff, con­trac­tors, con­sul­tants, or vol­un­teers serv­ing on escort or med­ical teams; nor will the Department dis­close any oth­er infor­ma­tion where­in the dis­clo­sure of such infor­ma­tion could jeop­ar­dize the Department’s abil­i­ty to car­ry out an execution.”
IllinoisDeath penal­ty abolished3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (9/​12/​90 – 3/​17/​99, 12 executions)None
IndianaEff. 20241‑drug lethal injec­tion, pen­to­bar­bi­tal (12/​18/​241 execution)

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (7/​18/​96 – 12/​11/​09, 17 executions)

Electrocution (3/​9/​81 – 12/​8/​943 executions)

Ind. Code §35 – 386 – 1 states, in part: “(f)The fol­low­ing are con­fi­den­tial, are not sub­ject to dis­cov­ery, and may not be intro­duced as evi­dence in any civ­il or crim­i­nal pro­ceed­ing: (1) The iden­ti­ty of [a phar­ma­cist, a phar­ma­cy, a whole­sale drug dis­trib­u­tor, or an out­sourc­ing facil­i­ty that pro­vides a lethal sub­stance to the depart­ment of cor­rec­tion] … nec­es­sary to car­ry out an exe­cu­tion by lethal injec­tion. (2) The iden­ti­ty of an offi­cer, an employ­ee, or a con­trac­tor of a per­son described in sub­di­vi­sion (1). (3) The iden­ti­ty of a per­son con­tract­ed by a per­son described in sub­di­vi­sion (1) to obtain equip­ment or a sub­stance to facil­i­tate the com­pound­ing of a lethal sub­stance described…(4) Information rea­son­ably cal­cu­lat­ed to lead to the iden­ti­ty of a per­son described in this subsection”
KansasNo cur­rent pro­to­col in placeNo exe­cu­tions carried out.NoneKan. Stat. Ann. §22 – 4001 states, in part: The iden­ti­ty of exe­cu­tion­ers and oth­er per­sons des­ig­nat­ed to assist in car­ry­ing out the sen­tence of death shall be confidential.”
KentuckyEff. July 620183‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (5/​25/​99 – 11/​21/​082 executions)Electrocution (7/​1/​971 execution)Ky. Rev. Stat. §45A.720 states, in part: Agreements with an indi­vid­ual to pro­vide the ser­vices of exe­cu­tion­er for the Department of Corrections shall not be sub­ject to the pro­vi­sions of KRS 45A.690 to 45A.725. The iden­ti­ty of an indi­vid­ual per­form­ing the ser­vices of exe­cu­tion­er shall remain con­fi­den­tial and shall not be con­sid­ered as pub­lic record for the pur­pos­es of KRS 61.870 to 61.884.”
LouisianaEff. March 1220143‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (3/​5/​93 – 1/​7/​108 executions)Electrocution (12/​14/​83 – 7/​22/​91, 20 executions)La. Rev. Stat. §15:570 states, in part: G. The iden­ti­ty of any per­sons oth­er than the per­sons spec­i­fied in Subsection F of this Section who par­tic­i­pate or per­form ancil­lary func­tions in an exe­cu­tion of the death sen­tence, either direct­ly or indi­rect­ly, shall remain strict­ly con­fi­den­tial and the iden­ti­ties of those per­sons and infor­ma­tion about those per­sons which could lead to the deter­mi­na­tion of the iden­ti­ties of those per­sons shall not be sub­ject to pub­lic dis­clo­sure in any man­ner. Any infor­ma­tion con­tained in records that could iden­ti­fy any per­son oth­er than the per­sons spec­i­fied in Subsection F of this Section shall remain con­fi­den­tial, shall not be sub­ject to dis­clo­sure, and shall not be admis­si­ble as evi­dence nor dis­cov­er­able in any pro­ceed­ing before any court, tri­bunal, board, agency, or person.”
MississippiEff. Nov. 1520173‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with mida­zo­lam (11/​17/​21 – 12/​14/​222 executions)

3‑drug, begin­ning with pen­to­bar­bi­tal (5/​10/​11 – 6/​20/​12, 8 exe­cu­tions)
3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (7/​17/​02 – 7/​21/​109 executions)

Gas (10/​22/​1979 – 6/​21/​894 executions)

Miss. Code Ann. §99 – 19-51 states, in part: The iden­ti­ties of all mem­bers of the exe­cu­tion team, a sup­pli­er of lethal injec­tion chem­i­cals, and the iden­ti­ties of those wit­ness­es list­ed in Section 99 – 19-55(2) who attend as mem­bers of the vic­tim’s or the con­demned per­son­’s imme­di­ate fam­i­ly shall at all times remain con­fi­den­tial, and the infor­ma­tion is exempt from dis­clo­sure under the pro­vi­sions of the Mississippi Public Records Act of 1983.1
MissouriEff. Oct. 1820131‑drug lethal injec­tion, pen­to­bar­bi­tal (11/​20/​13 – 12/​3/​2024, 33 executions)3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (1/​6/​89 – 2/​9/​11, 68 executions)

Mo. Rev. Stat. 546.720 states, in part: The iden­ti­ties of mem­bers of the exe­cu­tion team, as defined in the exe­cu­tion pro­to­col of the depart­ment of cor­rec­tions, shall be kept con­fi­den­tial. Notwithstanding any pro­vi­sion of law to the con­trary, any por­tion of a record that could iden­ti­fy a per­son as being a cur­rent or for­mer mem­ber of an exe­cu­tion team shall be priv­i­leged and shall not be sub­ject to dis­cov­ery, sub­poe­na, or oth­er means of legal com­pul­sion for dis­clo­sure to any per­son or enti­ty, the remain­der of such record shall not be priv­i­leged or closed unless pro­tect­ed from dis­clo­sure by law.”

Protocol was amend­ed in October 2013 to expand the def­i­n­i­tion of exe­cu­tion team: The exe­cu­tion team con­sists of depart­ment employ­ees and con­tract­ed med­ical per­son­nel includ­ing a physi­cian, nurse, and phar­ma­cist. The exe­cu­tion team also con­sists of any­one select­ed by the depart­ment direc­tor who pro­vides direct sup­port for the admin­is­tra­tion of lethal chem­i­cals, includ­ing indi­vid­u­als who pre­scribe, com­pound, pre­pare, or oth­er­wise sup­ply the chem­i­cals for use in the lethal injection procedure.”

MontanaEff. Jan. 1620133‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (5/​10/​95 – 8/​11/​063 executions)NoneMont. Code Ann. § 46 – 19-103 states, in part: The iden­ti­ty of the exe­cu­tion­er must remain anony­mous. Facts per­tain­ing to the selec­tion and train­ing of the exe­cu­tion­er must remain confidential.”
Nebraska2016; announced 4‑drug pro­to­col on Nov. 920174‑drug lethal injec­tion: diazepam, fen­tanyl cit­rate, cisatracuri­um besy­late, potas­si­um chlo­ride (8/​14/​181 execution)Electrocution (9/​2/​94 – 12/​2/​973 executions)Neb. Rev. St. § 83 – 967 states, in part: “(2) The iden­ti­ty of all mem­bers of the exe­cu­tion team, and any infor­ma­tion rea­son­ably cal­cu­lat­ed to lead to the iden­ti­ty of such mem­bers, shall be con­fi­den­tial and exempt from dis­clo­sure pur­suant to sec­tions 84 – 712 to 84 – 712.09 and shall not be sub­ject to dis­cov­ery or intro­duc­tion as evi­dence in any civ­il pro­ceed­ing unless extra­or­di­nary good cause is shown and a pro­tec­tive order is issued by a dis­trict court lim­it­ing dis­sem­i­na­tion of such information.”

Eff. June 92021.

Previously: Eff. June 112018.

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (12/​6/​85 – 4/​26/​06, 11 executions)Gas (10/​22/​791 execution)
New MexicoDeath penal­ty abol­ished in 20093‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (11/​6/​011 execution)None
North CarolinaEff. Oct. 2420133‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (8/​4/​98 – 8/​18/​06, 34 executions)

Gas (1/​30/​981 execution)

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (1/​24/​95 – 9/​22/​952 executions)

Gas (6/​15/​941 execution)

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (3/​16/​84 – 10/​23/​925 executions)

N.C. Gen Stat. Ann. § 132 – 1.2 states, in part: Nothing in this Chapter shall be con­strued to require or autho­rize a pub­lic agency or its sub­di­vi­sion to dis­close any infor­ma­tion that: … (7) Reveals name, address, qual­i­fi­ca­tions, and oth­er iden­ti­fy­ing infor­ma­tion of any per­son or enti­ty that man­u­fac­tures, com­pounds, pre­pares, pre­scribes, dis­pens­es, sup­plies, or admin­is­ters the drugs or sup­plies obtained for any pur­pose autho­rized by Article 19 of Chapter 15 of the General Statutes.”
OhioEff. Oct. 720163‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with mida­zo­lam (7/​27/​17 – 7/​18/​183 executions)

2‑drug lethal injec­tion, mida­zo­lam and hydro­mor­phone (1/​16/​141 execution)

1‑drug lethal injec­tion, pen­to­bar­bi­tal (3/​10/​11 – 9/​25/​13, 10 executions)

1‑drug lethal injec­tion, sodi­um thiopen­tal (12/​8/​09 – 2/​17/​11, 10 executions)

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (2/​19/​99 – 8/​18/​09, 32 executions)

Ohio Rev. Code Ann. § 2949.221 states, in part: “(B) If, at any time pri­or to the day that is twen­ty-four months after the effec­tive date of this sec­tion, a per­son man­u­fac­tures, com­pounds, imports, trans­ports, dis­trib­utes, sup­plies, pre­scribes, pre­pares, admin­is­ters, uses, or tests any of the com­pound­ing equip­ment or com­po­nents, the active phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal ingre­di­ents, the drugs or com­bi­na­tion of drugs, the med­ical sup­plies, or the med­ical equip­ment used in the appli­ca­tion of a lethal injec­tion of a drug or com­bi­na­tion of drugs in the admin­is­tra­tion of a death sen­tence by lethal injec­tion as pro­vid­ed for in divi­sion (A) of sec­tion 2949.22 of the Revised Code, notwith­stand­ing any pro­vi­sion of law to the con­trary, all of the fol­low­ing apply regard­ing any infor­ma­tion or record in the pos­ses­sion of any pub­lic office that iden­ti­fies or rea­son­ably leads to the iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of the per­son and the per­son­’s par­tic­i­pa­tion in any activ­i­ty described in this divi­sion: (1) The infor­ma­tion or record shall be clas­si­fied as con­fi­den­tial, is priv­i­leged under law, and is not sub­ject to dis­clo­sure by any per­son, state agency, gov­ern­men­tal enti­ty, board, or com­mis­sion or any polit­i­cal sub­di­vi­sion as a pub­lic record under sec­tion 149.43 of the Revised Code or otherwise.”
OklahomaEff. February 20203‑drug lethal injec­tion: Midazolam, vecuro­ni­um bro­mide, potas­si­um chlo­ride (10/​28/​21 – 12/​19/​24, 15 executions)

3‑drug lethal injec­tion: mida­zo­lam, pan­curo­ni­um bro­mide, potas­si­um acetate(1/15/15, 1 exe­cu­tion)

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with mida­zo­lam (4/​29/​14 and 10/​20/​20222 executions)

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with pen­to­bar­bi­tal (12/​16/​10 – 1/​23/​14, 17 executions)

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (9/​10/​90 – 10/​14/​10, 93 executions)

Okla. Stat. Ann. tit. 22, §1015 states: “(B) .… The iden­ti­ty of all per­sons who par­tic­i­pate in or admin­is­ter the exe­cu­tion process and per­sons who sup­ply the drugs, med­ical sup­plies or med­ical equip­ment for the exe­cu­tion shall be con­fi­den­tial and shall not be sub­ject to dis­cov­ery in any civ­il or crim­i­nal pro­ceed­ings. The pur­chase of drugs, med­ical sup­plies or med­ical equip­ment nec­es­sary to car­ry out the exe­cu­tion shall not be sub­ject to the pro­vi­sions of the Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act.”
OregonEff. March 20173‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (9/​6/​96 – 5/​16/​972 executions)None“(3) Selection of Executioner(s): The selec­tion of the executioner(s) will be the respon­si­bil­i­ty of the Superintendent. The iden­ti­ty of the executioner(s) will remain con­fi­den­tial.” Oregon Admin. Rule 291 – 024-0016
PennsylvaniaEff. Aug. 28, 2012; revi­sion Eff. Nov. 720123‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (5/​2/​95 – 7/​6/​993 executions)None“(c) Confidentiality. – The iden­ti­ty of depart­ment employ­ees, depart­ment con­trac­tors or vic­tims who par­tic­i­pate in the admin­is­tra­tion of an exe­cu­tion pur­suant to this sec­tion shall be con­fi­den­tial.” 61 Pa. Stat. and Cons. Stat. Ann. § 4305
South CarolinaNot pub­licly avail­able (See Authorized Methods by State)1‑drug pen­to­bar­bi­tal (11/​1/​242 executions)

Electrocution (1/​11/​85 – 9/​6/​914 executions)

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (8/​18/​95 – 9/​6/​964 executions)

Electrocution (10/​4/​961 execution)

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (11/​15/​96 – 4/​23/​04, 22 executions)

Electrocution (5/​28/​041 execution)

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (4/​15/​05 – 6/​6/​086 executions)

Electrocution (6/​20/​081 execution)

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (12/​5/​08 – 5/​8/​093 executions)

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with pen­to­bar­bi­tal (5/​6/​111 execution)

S.C. Code §24 – 3580 states, in part: A per­son may not know­ing­ly dis­close the iden­ti­ty of a cur­rent or for­mer mem­ber of an exe­cu­tion team or dis­close a record that would iden­ti­fy a per­son as being a cur­rent or for­mer mem­ber of an execution team.”
South DakotaEff. July 2320201‑drug lethal injec­tion: pen­to­bar­bi­tal (10/​15/​12 – 11/​04/​194 executions)3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (7/​11/​071 execution)S.D. Codified Law §23A-27A-31.2 states, in part: The name, address, qual­i­fi­ca­tions, and oth­er iden­ti­fy­ing infor­ma­tion relat­ing to the iden­ti­ty of any per­son or enti­ty sup­ply­ing or admin­is­ter­ing the intra­venous injec­tion sub­stance or sub­stances under chap­ter 23A-27A are con­fi­den­tial. Disclosure of the fore­go­ing infor­ma­tion may not be autho­rized or ordered.”
TennesseeEff. January 820251‑drug lethal injec­tion: pentobarbital

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (4/​19/​00 – 5/​9/​07, 3 exe­cu­tions)

Electrocution (9/​12/​07, 1 exe­cu­tion) 

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (2/​4/​09 – 12/​02/​092 executions)

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with mida­zo­lam (8/​9/​181 execution)

Electrocution (11/​1/​18 – 12/​6/​182 executions)

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with mida­zo­lam (5/​16/​191 execution)

Electrocution (8/​15/​19 – 2/​20/​203 executions)

Tenn. Code Ann. §10 – 7504 states, in part: “(h)(1) Notwithstanding any oth­er law to the con­trary, those parts of the record iden­ti­fy­ing an indi­vid­ual or enti­ty as a per­son or enti­ty who or that has been or may in the future be direct­ly involved in the process of exe­cut­ing a sen­tence of death shall be treat­ed as con­fi­den­tial and shall not be open to pub­lic inspec­tion. For the pur­pos­es of this sec­tion per­son or enti­ty” includes, but is not lim­it­ed to, an employ­ee of the state who has train­ing relat­ed to direct involve­ment in the process of exe­cut­ing a sen­tence of death, a con­trac­tor or employ­ee of a con­trac­tor, a vol­un­teer who has direct involve­ment in the process of exe­cut­ing a sen­tence of death, or a per­son or enti­ty involved in the pro­cure­ment or pro­vi­sion of chem­i­cals, equip­ment, sup­plies and oth­er items for use in car­ry­ing out a sen­tence of death.”
TexasEff. April 2120211‑drug lethal injec­tion: pen­to­bar­bi­tal (7/​18/​12 – 10/​01/​24, 109 executions)

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with pen­to­bar­bi­tal (5/​3/​11 – 4/​26/​12, 16 executions)

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (12/​7/​82 – 2/​22/​11, 466 executions)

Tex. Crim. Proc. Code Ann. art. 43.14 states, in part: “(b) The name, address, and oth­er iden­ti­fy­ing infor­ma­tion of the fol­low­ing is con­fi­den­tial and except­ed from dis­clo­sure under Section 552.021, Government Code:
(1) any per­son who par­tic­i­pates in an exe­cu­tion pro­ce­dure described by Subsection (a), includ­ing a per­son who uses, sup­plies, or admin­is­ters a sub­stance dur­ing the exe­cu­tion; and
(2) any per­son or enti­ty that man­u­fac­tures, trans­ports, tests, pro­cures, com­pounds, pre­scribes, dis­pens­es, or pro­vides a sub­stance or sup­plies used in an execution.”
UtahEff. June 1020101‑drug lethal injec­tion, pent­bar­bi­tal (8/​8/​241 execution)

Firing squad (6/​18/​101 execution)

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (10/​15/​99, 1 exe­cu­tion)

Firing squad (1/​26/​96, 1 exe­cu­tion)

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (8/​28/​87 – 7/​30/​92, 3 exe­cu­tions)

Firing squad (1/​17/​771 execution)

As of February 16, 2024, Utah Code 64 – 13-27 blocks from pub­lic release iden­ti­fy­ing infor­ma­tion of a per­son who par­tic­i­pates in or admin­is­ters the exe­cu­tion of a death sen­tence, includ­ing the on-site med­ical admin­is­tra­tor, cor­rec­tion­al facil­i­ty staff, con­trac­tors, con­sul­tants, exe­cu­tion­ers, or oth­er staff or vol­un­teers; or iden­ti­fy­ing infor­ma­tion of a per­son that man­u­fac­tures, sup­plies, com­pounds, or pre­scribes drugs, med­ical sup­plies, med­ical equip­ment, or any oth­er equip­ment used in the exe­cu­tion of a death sentence.”
VirginiaDeath penal­ty abol­ished March 2420213‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with mida­zo­lam (1/18/17- 7/​6/​172 executions)

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with pen­to­bar­bi­tal (8/​18/​11 – 10/​1/​152 executions)

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (1/​24/​95 – 9/​23/​10, 78 executions)

Electrocution (8/​10/​82 – 4/​27/​94, 24 executions)

Va. Code. §53.1 – 234 states, in part: The iden­ti­ties of any phar­ma­cy or out­sourc­ing facil­i­ty that enters into a con­tract with the Department for the com­pound­ing of drugs nec­es­sary to car­ry out an exe­cu­tion by lethal injec­tion, any offi­cer or employ­ee of such phar­ma­cy or out­sourc­ing facil­i­ty, and any per­son or enti­ty used by such phar­ma­cy or out­sourc­ing facil­i­ty to obtain equip­ment or sub­stances to facil­i­tate the com­pound­ing of such drugs and any infor­ma­tion rea­son­ably cal­cu­lat­ed to lead to the iden­ti­ties of such per­sons or enti­ties, includ­ing their names, res­i­den­tial and office address­es, res­i­den­tial and office tele­phone num­bers, social secu­ri­ty num­bers, and tax iden­ti­fi­ca­tion num­bers, shall be con­fi­den­tial, shall be exempt from the Freedom of Information Act (§ 2.2 – 3700 et seq.), and shall not be sub­ject to dis­cov­ery or intro­duc­tion as evi­dence in any civ­il pro­ceed­ing unless good cause is shown.”
WashingtonDeath penal­ty declared uncon­sti­tu­tion­al in October 2018; statute removed from state law in 20231‑drug lethal injec­tion: sodi­um thiopen­tal (9/​10/​101 execution)

3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (10/​13/​98 – 8/​28/​01, 2 exe­cu­tions)

Hanging (1/​5/​93 – 5/​27/​942 executions)

Wyoming3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (1/​22/​921 execution)NoneWyo. Code § 7 – 13-916 (2015): The iden­ti­ties of all per­sons who par­tic­i­pate in the exe­cu­tion of a death sen­tence as a mem­ber of the exe­cu­tion team or by sup­ply­ing or man­u­fac­tur­ing the equip­ment and sub­stances used for the exe­cu­tion are con­fi­den­tial. Disclosure of the iden­ti­ties made con­fi­den­tial by this sec­tion may not be autho­rized or ordered.”
U.S. GovernmentEff. 7/​25/​191‑drug lethal injec­tion: pen­to­bar­bi­tal sodi­um (7/​14/​20 – 1/​16/​21, 13 executions)3‑drug lethal injec­tion, begin­ning with sodi­um thiopen­tal (6/​11/​01 – 3/​18/​033 executions)
U.S. MilitaryEff. Jan. 2007No exe­cu­tions carried outNone