Prince William County, Virginia Courthouse

A June 2024 peti­tion filed in the Prince William County, Virginia Circuit Court, accus­es for­mer Commonwealth Attorney (CA) Paul Ebert of with­hold­ing excul­pa­to­ry evi­dence dur­ing the tri­al of Louis Jefferson Dukes Jr., who, along with his nephew Lonnie Weeks Jr., was con­vict­ed of mur­der­ing a state troop­er in 1994 dur­ing a traf­fic stop. Mr. Dukes was found guilty and sen­tenced to life in prison, while Mr. Weeks was found guilty, received the death penal­ty, and was exe­cut­ed in 2000. In the peti­tion filed with the cir­cuit court, Mr. Dukes’ attor­ney alleges that CA Ebert made mate­r­i­al mis­rep­re­sen­ta­tions” in court when the pros­e­cu­tion claimed that serol­o­gy reports estab­lished Mr. Dukes’ prox­im­i­ty to the state troop­er when he was killed. The peti­tion states that the commonwealth’s attor­ney knew this was not the victim’s blood on [Mr. Dukes’] jack­et,” despite his argu­ments regard­ing prox­im­i­ty. Richard MacDowell, an attor­ney for Mr. Dukes, alleges that CA Ebert also made a deal with Mr. Dukes’ cell­mate that includ­ed a promise to seek a reduced sen­tence in exchange for tes­ti­mo­ny in Mr. Dukes’ case. 

Throughout his more than 50 years in office, CA Ebert secured 13 death sen­tences, plac­ing Prince William County, Virginia, on the list of top death penal­ty juris­dic­tions. Despite his suc­cess secur­ing death sen­tences, courts have found sev­er­al oth­er instances in which CA Ebert and his office with­held excul­pa­to­ry mate­r­i­al in cap­i­tal cas­es. In 2009, CA Ebert was crit­i­cized for with­hold­ing evi­dence in the case of John Allen Muhammad, but the Court decid­ed the evi­dence would not have altered the trial’s out­come. Just two years lat­er, cit­ing evi­dence that CA Ebert’s office once again with­held evi­dence, U.S. District Judge Raymond A. Jackson over­turned the cap­i­tal con­vic­tion of Justin Wolfe, hold­ing that cru­cial impeach­ment evi­dence was with­held from the defense. Upholding Jude Jackson’s rul­ing, the appeals court wrote that because of the ear­li­er rul­ing in Mr. Muhammad’s case, CA Ebert’s office should err on the side of dis­clo­sure, espe­cial­ly when a defen­dant is fac­ing the specter of execution.”

While CA Ebert pur­sued the death penal­ty tire­less­ly, his suc­cess ulti­mate­ly dwin­dled as pub­lic opin­ion in Virginia regard­ing cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment shift­ed. In 2018, CA Ebert failed to secure a death sen­tence in his final mur­der tri­al and told the Washington Post that Prince William County had changed since he first took office. The demo­graph­ics of Prince William were rel­a­tive­ly con­ser­v­a­tive all those years and much more pro-death,” CA Ebert said. And I always knew some­one on the jury. Now, I sel­dom know some­one on the jury.” CA Ebert strong­ly sup­port­ed cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment and dis­cred­it­ed the idea the life in prison with­out parole is worse than a death sen­tence. Responding to crit­i­cism regard­ing with­hold­ing evi­dence, CA Ebert said his office always fol­lowed the law and rules of court as [he under­stood] them.” He added that he would not apol­o­gize for being tough on crime.”

In 2019, CA Ebert retired and was suc­ceed­ed by Amy Ashworth, who lead­ing up to her elec­tion, said she sup­port­ed the notion of repeal­ing the death penal­ty but would be open to seek­ing the pun­ish­ment as long as it was avail­able. Ms. Ashworth told The Appeal that she did not think the death penal­ty is appro­pri­ate in most cas­es” and that ulti­mate­ly the bot­tom line is the death penal­ty should be extra­or­di­nar­i­ly rare.” CA Ashworth won elec­tion in 2019 and just two years lat­er, in March 2021, then-Governor Ralph Northam signed leg­is­la­tion for­mal­ly abol­ish­ing the death penal­ty in Virginia.

Citation Guide

Joan Hennessy, High-pro­file Virginia pros­e­cu­tor accused of with­hold­ing evi­dence in mur­der case, Courthouse News Service, June 6, 2024; Liliana Segura, The Long Shadow of Virginia’s Death Penalty, The Intercept, April 11, 2021; Ian Shapira, He’s sent more killers to death row than any Va. Prosecutor. But not this time., The Washington Post, November 52018.

See Mr. Dukes’ Petition to Set Aside and Vacate, here.